This collection is composed of Gilles Caron's photographic and filmic works as well as referenced publications of his work in magazines and editions.
Part of the collection is dedicated to the 1,096 Tri X films made between 1965 and 1966 when he worked for APIS.
A second part is dedicated to the 2,376 black and white Tri X films and vintage contact sheets made between 1967 and 1970 when Gilles Caron worked for GAMMA. 49 films are listed for the year 1966; 741 for the year 1967; 631 for the year 1968; 873 for the year 1969; 82 for the year 1970.
A third part of the collection concerns 2,900 ektachromes made by Gilles Caron whose dates of realization are not mentioned.
The collection also includes publications (magazines and editions) related to Gilles Caron's work.