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- Religieux
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Zone de description
The departmental archive is comprised of newspapers, documents and numerous publications that date back to the time of the Supreme Islamic Council in Palestine (during the British Mandate).
Contexte géographique et culturel
Textes de référence
Structure administrative
Gestion des archives courantes et intermédiaires et politiques de collecte
The archive contains a number of newspapers that were published in the city of Jerusalem between 1978 and 2004: al-Quds, al-Hayat, al-Ayyam, al-Sha'b, al-Fajr and al-Manar. It also contains newspapers published by Palestinians inside Israel; such as al-Tali‘a, al-Ittihad, and the Israeli English newspaper, The Jerusalem Post. There are also other newspapers and magazines, but they are incomplete. The documents stored in the files cover a variety of subjects. In general, they are the files of the general administration of the waqf between 1982 and 1995. The documents include all the activities connected with the endowments. The files also contain numerous topics, such as accounts of income and expenses, tourism, receipts for water and electricity bills, rents of properties, renovations, properties of the endowments, rentals in the West Bank, files of the Haram guards, Israeli infringements on the Haram, the renovations of the orphanage, issues of education, charitable organizations, lands and taxes of the endowments. In general, the collection has not been studied and light has not been shed on it. It covers the period of the Israeli occupation, and portrays the connection of the ebb and flow between the Awqaf and the occupational authorities, in order to control the Old City and the Haram.
The collection can be divided into three categories:
- Newspapers that were published in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
- Documents and papers of the waqf in Jerusalem, which include the documents of the endowments of the cities and villages of the West Bank: Hebron, Bethlehem, Nablus, Ramallah and Jenin between 1968 and 1993. After the separation of the city of Jerusalem from the West Bank, the papers and files of the endowments of the cities of the West Bank no longer reached Jerusalem.
- Publications and announcements of the Supreme Islamic Council in Palestine between 1922 and 1948.
Instruments de recherche, guides et publications
The collection is not cataloged.
Zone de l'accès
Heures d'ouverture
Saturday – Wednesday 08:00 - 15:00
Conditions d'accès et d'utilisation
The archive is open to the public, and there is no need to make an appointment.
Zone des services offerts
Services d'aide à la recherche
Services de reproduction
Documents can be photocopied, using the photocopier or scanner available.
Espaces publics
Zone du contrôle
Identifiant de la description
Identifiant du service d'archives
Règles et/ou conventions utilisées
Niveau de détail
Dates de production, de révision et de suppression
Entry prepared on November 2018.
Jerusalem historical libraries and archives revisited, Revised report prepared for Open Jerusalem, October 2014, Merav Mack
Notes de maintenance
Author : Open Jerusalem