Unità documentaria JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol11/p15b/item81 - Upon a letter given by the English Consulate regarding the non-renewal of the lease term of the two shops situated in front of Lady Margarit Senvarin’s house, 21 February 1906 (Gregorian calendar) - 8 Shubât 1321 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Upon a letter given by the English Consulate regarding the non-renewal of the lease term of the two shops situated in front of Lady Margarit Senvarin’s house, 21 February 1906 (Gregorian calendar) - 8 Shubât 1321 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1906-02-21 (Creazione)

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Upon the letter given on 12 February 1906 by the English Consulate regarding the non-renewal of the lease term of the two shops situated in front of Lady Margarit Senvarin’s house
Without leaving any space for a road on Lady Margarit’s land, which is located in front of the said municipal shops, a license has been given to construct a building in this land. Meanwhile, in the talk between Lady Margarit’s deputy in Jerusalem and the municipal council, the parties have come to an agreement on the point that, if the shops newly started to be constructed by the municipality are demolished, previously constructed shops shall not be demolished. As a result of this agreement, not only the lease term of the old shops cited in the letter has been renewed, but also, upon the demand by Lady Margarit’s deputy, the necessary license has been given them for building construction; and the matter of notification in reply of this situation has been presented to the mutasarrifate. The 8th of Shubât (1)321 (21st of February 1906).

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