Unità documentaria JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol15/p5a/item25 - Upon a Kaymakamlık of Jaffa’s letter regarding the incomes of the Jaffa gashouse, 29 January 1910 (Gregorian calendar) - 16 Kânûn Thânî 1325 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Upon a Kaymakamlık of Jaffa’s letter regarding the incomes of the Jaffa gashouse, 29 January 1910 (Gregorian calendar) - 16 Kânûn Thânî 1325 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1910-01-29 (Creazione)

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Upon the Kaymakamlık of Jaffa’s letter dated 11 January 1910 and numbered 303, regarding the incomes of the Jaffa gashouse
In the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ letter dated 3 August 1909, it is stated that, in accordance with the Grand Vizierate’s order, the assignation of the four taxes and the proceeds from the gas storages depend on the budget result. The said budget has been approved by the Parliament and the Senate and an imperial decree is now required to put its provisions into effect. In the Ministry of Finance’s telegram sent on 14 August 1909, it was notified that the four taxes not be assigned to the goods’ fund as of the beginning of August of 1325 (14 August 1909). As the said taxes would thus be assigned to the municipality as of August and Jaffa Gashouse proceeds shall belong to the municipality, it is appropriate to take due action in respect thereof. The 16th of Kânûn Thânî (1)325 (29th of January 1910).

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