Unità documentaria JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol15/p6a/item29 - Upon a Sanjak Administrative Council’s decision regarding the inspection and Dutch auction of rooms, 5 February 1910 (Gregorian calendar) - 23 Kânûn Thânî 1325 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Upon a Sanjak Administrative Council’s decision regarding the inspection and Dutch auction of rooms, 5 February 1910 (Gregorian calendar) - 23 Kânûn Thânî 1325 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1910-02-05 (Creazione)

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1 item

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Istituto conservatore

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Ambito e contenuto

Upon the Sanjak Administrative Council’s decision dated 5 November 1909 and numbered 1379, regarding the inspection and Dutch auction of the room decided to be constructed behind the Waqfs Administration for the reporter of forestry letters and the agricultural inspector
The said room, planned to be built behind the Waqfs Administration, has been inspected and the estimated expenditures have been put on Dutch auction. After the completion of bidding, it has been decided that, in accordance with the hereby presented inspection report and the Dutch auction bill, the work be undertaken at a rate of 7,360 piasters as respected current akçe by the Teacher Hamid Al Niba under the guarantee of İsa Al Katniya (?). However, it is expected that the room construction can be realized with a lesser cost if the said sum is borrowed and the construction is done on governmental account. Thus, for holding a negotiation and taking due action in respect thereof, it is appropriate to relegate the matter to the Sanjak Administrative Council. The 23rd of Kânûn Thânî (1)325 (5th of February 1910).

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  • turco ottomano

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