Sub-subseries JM-CAHJP/P85/B-2-2 - Rumanian Jews

حقل المعرف الفريد

الرمز المرجعي



Rumanian Jews

التاريخ (التواريخ)

  • 1937-01-01-1951-12-31 (Creation)

مستوى الوصف


مدى ونوع المادة الموصوفة

Global extent: 7 files

حقل السياق

مسمى المنشئ

التاريخ الأرشيفي

المصدر المباشر للاقتناء أو النقل

حقل المحتوى والبنية

النطاق والمحتوى

21 "Hitachdut Olei Rumania" (Society for Rumanian Immigrants) : Papers, correspondence, finances, notes and photos. Incl.: letters from Stephen Wise, Jan. 1938, letter from Abba Hillel Silver, 24 March 1938, letter from Louis Lipsky, 28 March 1938, letter to Senator Alben Barkely, 7 March 1938 (Engl., Hebr., Rumanian), 1937-1943.
24 "Hitachdut Olei Rumania" (Society for Rumanian Immigrants) - minutes of committee meetings (Rumanian), 1949.
25 "Hitachdut Olei Rumania" (Society for Rumanian Immigrants), Jerusalem - papers and correspondence. Incl.: Renasterea Noastra (newspaper), 1950-03-02, 1950-08-31 (Engl., Hebr., Rumanian), 1950-1951.
26 "Hitachdut Olei Rumania" (Society for Rumanian Immigrants) - individual cases (Engl., Hebr.), no date.
27 "Hitachdut Olei Rumania" (Society for Rumanian Immigrants) - varia. Incl.: "Ziele und Grundsätze der Organisation OWDEI JISRAEL" (socialistic colonist labour organization), no date; Propaganda of Hitachdut Olei Germania ""המזרח"", 14 לאוגוסט 1941 (שבועון) "ניו-יארקער וואכנבלאט"", 22 ליוני 1938 ; Rumanian anti-Semitic circular [1937]; Letterhead and pamphlet of the "Altneuland Group" sponsor of "The Haifa Zebulun Seafaring Society" (Engl., Hebr., Yiddish, Rumanian, German), 1937-1941.
22 The Rumanian Jewish War Effort Fund – correspondence, 1939-1942.
23 The Council of Rumanian Jews of America – papers and correspondence. Incl.: Journal of United Rumanian Jews of America, letterheads of Central Rumanian Committee of America, 1938-1946.

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