Unità documentaria JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol5/p29a/item181 - Regarding the buildings constructed by Patris İbn-i Musa Nasır in the village of Biruzzeyt, 19 October 1901 (Gregorian calendar) - 6 Tishrîn Awwal 1317 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Regarding the buildings constructed by Patris İbn-i Musa Nasır in the village of Biruzzeyt, 19 October 1901 (Gregorian calendar) - 6 Tishrîn Awwal 1317 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1901-10-19 (Creazione)

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1 item

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Regarding the buildings constructed by Patris İbn-i Musa Nasır in the village of Biruzzeyt
The said buildings were inspected and it was understood that they were composed of 98 zirâ square and two rooms. A building tax and fine were taken from their owner and the architect working there. Therefore, as it was said, in the case that the said places were state land, the matter has to be relegated to the Office of Main Register of Revenues in order to take due action in respect thereof, it is thus appropriate to send a command to the Education Directorate so as to obtain the necessary assurance and to take due action in respect thereof. The 6th of Tishrîn Awwal (1)317 (19th of October 1901).
[3 signatures]

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