The documents of the collection are classified by year; it includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, comprising those from the Embassy in Constantinople on the affairs in Jerusalem: original messages from Russian Ambassadors and Envoys in foreign states, their letters, reports, telegrams; instructions, notes, and telegrams from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Imperial Russia (MI)The collection contains the following materials: tsars’ rescripts, relations from Envoys in Constantinople, correspondence between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Ecclesiastic Mission (since 1867 – Embassy), correspondence between the Mission and Ottoman authorities, diplomatic corps in Constantinople, Russian consular offices in the Ottoman Empire (including Jerusalem); correspondence with Russian envoys in other countries, messages on ecclesiastic matters, on Russian property in the Ottoman Empire, on the Russian-Turkish wars, on peace treaties, on the situation in the Balkans, on the police of great states in the Ottoman Empire, international conferences; directives from the Embassy in Constantinople to Russian consulates on the territory of the Ottoman Empire; correspondence with private persons.
The collection also includes thematic files of correspondence between Ambassadors and the Consulate in Jerusalem over several years.
Besides, there are many thematic files on various events in Jerusalem and Palestine.
The selected items are (mainly) documents from the Russian Consulate in Jerusalem, which records had been plundered and lost throughout several wars.
Embassy of the Russian Empire in Constantinople (PRIK)This fonds includes non-political documents about Greece, about the Greek Church, public health, police, pilgrims, and Russians acquisitions and buildings in Palestine.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Imperial Russia (MI)The collection n°161/1 is divided into numerous ranks, and catalogues, and includes many thematic files connected to the events in Jerusalem.
The rank V-A2 of this collection contains selected reports on the Middle East, including political reports from Russian Consuls in Jerusalem.
This is a huge fonds, including more than 90000 units and described by 173 inventories. A number of sections deal with Republic of Turkey and Near East, including topics such as trade, archaeology, water supply and sewer system.
The fonds contains materials of the former State Main, and of St. Petersburg Main Archives : the gathered documents result from the activity of structural institutions of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs, and of consular and diplomatic offices abroad; most part of them date back to 1800-1885.
The collection is divided into five artificial ranks, which are divided into families. Documents are then organised according topics.
In the first rank (a significant part of it is closed for researchers) a great number of documents are connected with Jerusalem, including:
I-1 catalogue 12. All-respectful reports on the affairs in Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Serbia (1822-1879).
I-1 catalogue 19. Highly confirmed projects of messages on issues in the Middle East (1816-1855).
I-9 catalogue 8. Materials on commissioning diplomatic envoys (in Turkey, as well), information on the events in Turkey, materials on the clergy, and ecclesiastic affairs. Notes, and memos. Materials on construction of the railways, and telegraph (1774-1905).
I-10 catalogue 28. Printed copies of agreements, conventions, treaties (especially with Turkey).
Many documents on Palestine are kept in the Second Rank (1763-1900), including:
II-3 catalogue 34. Russian trade exchanges with countries of the Middle East, reports of consulates, and the general situation in the consulates (1783-1869).
II-3 catalogue 35. Russian trade exchanges with countries of the Middle East, reports of consulates, and the general situation in the consulates (1869-1896).
II-9 catalogue 46. Spiritual affairs, monastic properties, Russian pilgrims in Palestine.
II-9 catalogue 83. Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.
II-10 catalogue 49. Trip of Prof. Pomialovsky to Palestine (1864-1891).
IV-10 catalogue 129. Private messages of administrator of the Consulate in Jerusalem, on the situation in Jerusalem (1801-1879).
IV-16 catalogue 134. On the protection of rights of Orthodox clergy at the East by the Russian government.
IV-18 catalogue 137. A project of arranging the water-supply system in Jerusalem.
This fonds includes documents from the Palestinian Commission and Palestinian Comittee about schools, journeys of the imperial family, hospitals and every other issue dealt with by the institution.
The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IPPO)