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DZ-AA · Fonds · [1951-2007]

The Archival City project does not know the composition of the whole fonds and its tree structure.

Archdiocese of Algiers (AA)
DZ-AA/E216/Selected02/map02 · Part · 1951
Part of Archives of the Archdiocese of Algiers

This map by Louis Massignon is published in the following article (p. 119):
Louis Massignon, "Documents sur certains waqfs des lieux saints de l'Islam : Principalement sur le waqf Tamini à Hébron et sur le waqf Hancénien Abu Madyan à Jérusalem", Revue des Études Islamiques, vol. XIX, 1951, p. 73-120.

DZ-AA/E216/Selected02/map01 · Part · 1951
Part of Archives of the Archdiocese of Algiers

This map by Louis Massignon is published in the following article:
Louis Massignon, "Documents sur certains waqfs des lieux saints de l'Islam : Principalement sur le waqf Tamini à Hébron et sur le waqf Hancénien Abu Madyan à Jérusalem", Revue des Études Islamiques, vol. XIX, 1951, p. 73-120.

DZ-AA/E216 · File · 1951-2007
Part of Archives of the Archdiocese of Algiers

A typed note by Jean Scelles on the waqf and its importance.
A press article from El Watan by Djilali Sari: "Sidi Boumediène, Jerusalem and Algeria".
A letter from Jean Scelles to Monsignor Duval who communicates an issue of the "Revue des Etudes Islamiques" dated 1951.
Copy of "Revue des Etudes Islamiques, Année 1951".
Copy of "Report presented by Mr. Mesbah on the independence of the Muslim Cult with regard to the State and the habous goods" published by the Algerian Assembly.