Pièce JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol13/p13b/item74 - Upon a letter by the Ottoman Association of Union and Progress regarding the attitude and conducts of officials, 13 September 1908 (Gregorian date) - 31 Agustos 1324 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Upon a letter by the Ottoman Association of Union and Progress regarding the attitude and conducts of officials, 13 September 1908 (Gregorian date) - 31 Agustos 1324 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1908-09-13 (Production)

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Upon the letter, dated 4 September 1908 and numbered 45, by the Ottoman Association of Union and Progress regarding the attitude and conducts of officials
As Nikola Effendi, one of the sergeants among the officials of the Jerusalem municipality showed maltreatment towards the people and recurrent complaints was thus issued about him, a decision has been taken to dismiss him at the end of August. As for the other sergeant Abdülvahab Fetyanî Effendi, he has a negligent attitude in his work and necessary warnings have been thus issued to him on this occasion only; and if he does not pay heed to these warnings and be attentive to his job, he can also be dismissed in the future. Hence, it has been considered necessary that continuous attention be shown to the conduct of other municipal officials, and that, if any investigation reveals that one of them has led to an unlawful situation, legal proceedings be taken against him. The 31st of Agustos (1)324 (13th of September 1908).
[5 signatures]

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  • turc ottoman

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