Unità documentaria TR-VGMA/589/192/328 - Turkish translation of the Arabic waqfiyya of the Cennet bint al-Hajj Mehmed al-Maghribi and Hatice bint al-Hajj Mehmed al-Maghribi, 28 July 1767 (Gregorian calendar) - 1 Rebinlevvel (Ra) 1181 (Ottoman calendar)

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Turkish translation of the Arabic waqfiyya of the Cennet bint al-Hajj Mehmed al-Maghribi and Hatice bint al-Hajj Mehmed al-Maghribi, 28 July 1767 (Gregorian calendar) - 1 Rebinlevvel (Ra) 1181 (Ottoman calendar)


  • 1767-07-28-1767-07-28 (Creazione)

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1 item

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Ambito e contenuto

Item from fonds N°589, Dosya (file) N°192, Gömlek (subfile) N°328. Name of the Waqf: Cennet bint al-Hajj Mehmed al-Maghribi and Hatice bint al-Hajj Mehmed al-Maghribi; Name of the duty: unknown; Fee: unknown; Reason for the change: unknown; Name of the officer: unknown. Content: It is the Turkish translation of the Arabic waqfiyya of the Cennet bint al-Hajj Mehmed al-Maghribi and Hatice bint al-Hajj Mehmed al-Maghribi dated 1181/ 1767. They endowed a house in the Neighborhood of Bâbü’l-‘Amud (Damascus Gate) for the beneficiary of the of the residents Waqf of Zâwiya Ebu Madyan al-Gauth.

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  • turco ottomano

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