The National Library of Israel (NLI)

حقل المعرف الفريد

المعرف الفريد


شكل معتمد من الاسم

The National Library of Israel (NLI)

شكل (أشكال) متوازية من الاسم

    أشكال أخرى من الاسم


      • International

      ‬حقل الضبط



      عنوان الشارع

      Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram POB 39105




      اسم الدولة

      الرمز البريدى




      البريد الإلكتروني


      Description area


      In 1892, B'nai B'rith opened the Midrash Abarbanel Library in Jerusalem, with a mandate to collect "the treasures of Jewish literature." The city’s first free public library, it quickly became a cultural center of the yishuv, and when Zionist physician Dr. Joseph Chasanowich transferred his collection of 10,000 volumes from Bialystok to Jerusalem in 1895, Midrash Abarbanel became a sizeable library. With the establishment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1925, the library was moved to the Mount Scopus campus, was officially renamed "The Jewish National and University Library" (JNUL), and the scope of its mission and collections was greatly expanded.

      During Israel's War of Independence in 1947-48, when access to Mount Scopus was cut off from West Jerusalem, the JNUL collection was smuggled out and dispersed among several buildings in the city but retained its status as the central national collection. In 1953, the Knesset enacted the "Legal Deposit Law," mandating that two copies of every publication in Israel be deposited in the Jewish National and University Library for posterity.

      In November 1960, a new dedicated building opened for JNUL on the Givat Ram Campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and served as the Library's home for over 60 years.

      The National Library Law was adopted by the Knesset in 2007, officially establishing "the National Library of Israel" – a change in name and orientation - and defining its purpose.

      In 2010, the National Library embarked on a visionary journey of renewal, striving to become a vital center of scholarship, knowledge dissemination, cultural life, and creativity, serving Israel’s diverse communities and the Jewish people worldwide, and providing universal, open access to knowledge and heritage to audiences in Israel and across the globe.

      Geographical and cultural context

      Mandates/Sources of authority

      Administrative structure

      Records management and collecting policies



      Publications and Printed Documents selected for the Archival City project:

      Eran Laor Cortographic Collection:
      Davar, issue of September 1st, 1927:

      Finding aids, guides and publications

      Access area

      Opening times

      Access conditions and requirements


      Services area

      Research services

      Reproduction services

      Public areas

      حقل الضبط

      المعرف القياسي للوصف


      معرف المؤسسة

      Rules and/or conventions used

      ISDIAH, 1st edition, 2008. Available online:

      Date format: ISO 8601, 2nd edition, 2000.


      حالة الوصف

      تواريخ الإنشاء والمراجعة والحذف

      Entry prepared in January 2022.

      اللغة (اللغات)

        الملفات النصية


          The history section contains complete passages from The National Library of Israel, « Our story », [Online], accessed in January 2022. URL :

          ملاحظات الصيانة

          Entry prepared by Archival City.

          نقاط الاتاحة

          Access Points