Unità documentaria JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol6/p39b/item264 - Regarding the destruction of a tunnel , 12 September 1896 (Gregorian calendar) - 31 Agustos 1312 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Regarding the destruction of a tunnel , 12 September 1896 (Gregorian calendar) - 31 Agustos 1312 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1896-09-12 (Creazione)

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1 item

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Based on the Sanjak Administrative Council’s decree dated on 28 January 1897, the tunnel made out of iron and wood, that connects the buildings which belong to the Greek Monastery that are located in both sides of the road heading to the Latin Patriarchate, must be destroyed immediately. With the Council Decree dated on 28 January 1896, the issue has been communicated and the issue has been communicated to the Greek Monastery Patriarchate by a Governor of the Sanjak decree. Although the matter at hand has been orally communicated to the Greek Monastery time and again, the matter has not been concluded. For that reason, it is appropriate to communicate the issue of demolishing the tunnel in question immediately to the Monastery Patriarchate Ministry through the note of the Governor of the Sanjak. The 31st of Agustos (1)312 (12th of September 1896).

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