Pièce JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol4/p11a/item76 - Problems with slaughterhouse construction, 31 July 1893 (Gregorian calendar) - 17 muharram 1311 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Problems with slaughterhouse construction, 31 July 1893 (Gregorian calendar) - 17 muharram 1311 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


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It has been known that a part of the slaughterhouse was built and then fell down last Friday. So, it has been decided by the committee to head for [the slaughter house] and examine it. It has become evident that it is not possible to do the construction without [using] reinforcing rods. Thus, it has been decided to do the construction with the rods and only then we can realize the difference between using the rods or not. ??? This includes what is needed from the part of the contractor or the engineer with the expenses of the construction that fell down. In order to proceed with the spending from the council treasury in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions and with the knowledge of Shlomo Effendi, this decision was recorded on the 17th of Muharram (1)311.
[3 signatures]

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