Pièce JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol10/p34b/item189 - Nomination of three additional guardians because of tourist season, 2 March 1905 (Gregorian calendar) - 17 Shubât 1320 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Nomination of three additional guardians because of tourist season, 2 March 1905 (Gregorian calendar) - 17 Shubât 1320 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1905-03-02 (Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

1 item

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Histoire archivistique

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Portée et contenu

Considering the large number of tourists these days and the unsufficient number of guards, the council has decided to nominate Husayn Al Drîklî for the area of Ras Aqabat Al Sabâghîn for a monthly salary of four riyâl majîdî and Hâj Khalîl Bûzû for Qantara (illegible) for a mondly salary and one and a half majîdî and Ramadân Sharîf Al Khalîlî for the area of the New Gate and the environs of the Latin Patriarchate for a monthly salary of four riyâl majîdî. Their role is to supervise that no one urinates in the streets. They will start on the 17th of the month of Shubât (1)320. In order for this to be approved, this decision was taken on the 17th of Shubât (1)320(2nd of March 1905).
[6 signatures]

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  • arabe

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