Pièce JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol12/p30a/item192 - Need for water from Battir, 20 June 1907 (Gregorian calendar) - 7 Huzayrân 1323 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Need for water from Battir, 20 June 1907 (Gregorian calendar) - 7 Huzayrân 1323 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1907-06-20 (Production)

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1 item

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Since there has been little rain this year, it is urgent to find the necessary means to provide for the citizens’ needs. During the deliberations of this matter it was decided to inform the rail company and in this process an agreement was reached with the mentioned company on the following terms: (the company) will transport from 30 to 90 cubic meters of water from the source of the village of Battir daily and will empty it into a designated storage space which will be built on its expenses at the railway station in Jerusalem. This water will then be channeled from the mentioned storage space to the cistern located in the western corner of Birkat Al Sultân through pipes produced and installed at the expense of the municipality’s treasury. These pipes have to channel 30 square meter in 45 minutes, and for each suare meter received in the storage space, the treasury has to give the mentioned company 10 piasters of riyâl majîdi, (or) 20 piasters of Ottoman liras (or) 120 piasters. An agreement has been reached to provide 5000 square meters. If that amount of water is not provided until the rainfall and the end in this upsurge of need for water among the citizens, the municipality will be obliged to deduce 20 and 35 para for each square meter missing from the stated amount (in its payment) to the company. The insurance which the municipality pays 6000 piasters to the Credit Lyon bank in order to fulfill what is missing from the mentioned amount. If more than 5000 square meters can be taken, then the company is obliged to transport that quantity. (The company) has been promised that they will be paid 7 piasters and five paras for each square meter exceeding the 5000, which means that it will receive 2 piasters and 35 paras less than the price decided for the mentioned 5000 square meters. And in order for this contract to be given to the railway company according to the above details by the president of the council, Ghartlu Effendi, this decision was reached on the 7th of Huzayrân (1)323 (20th of June 1907).
[6 signatures]

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