Pièce JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol1/p6a/item36 - Need for approval of vaccination prices, 25 April 1892 (Gregorian calendar) - 13 Nîsân 1308 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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Need for approval of vaccination prices, 25 April 1892 (Gregorian calendar) - 13 Nîsân 1308 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1892-04-25 (Production)

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1 item

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Item of Vaccine ; Number: 500 ; Price: 5 ; Total (piasters): 2,500
Vaccinator’s salary ; Number: 40 ; Price: 300 (per each) x 40=12,000 ; Total: 12,000 x 3(months) = 36,000
Total (piasters): 38,500
Distribution of Costs
From the Income of Jerusalem Municipality
From the Income of Jaffa Municipality
From the Income of Gaza Municipality
From the Income of Ramallah Municipality
From the Income of Khalil Municipality
As stated in the second appendix of the above-mentioned municipality doctor, it has been understood that there is a need for 38,500 piasters for the vaccination of all children within the Sanjak of Jerusalem. The sum of money to be spent for vaccination is specified above, as distributed according to the income of each kaza municipality. This decree requires that the cost of vaccination of the children living in kazas with a lesser municipality income be covered by other kazas with more municipality income. Thus, as the incomes of the municipalities of Ramla and Hebron do not suffice for the vaccination of the inhabitants of the villages belonging to these kazas, it is necessary to purchase the required item of vaccines and to send vaccinators. Although it has been considered that the sum of money allocated to each municipality to cover this expense should be sent to the sanjak center for approval, it is appropriate to relegate the matter to the Sanjak Administrative Council for re-discussion. The 13th of Nîsân (1)308 (25th of April 1892).
[6 signatures]

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  • turc ottoman

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