Unità documentaria JM-AIY/B936-4/1952-01-03 - Meeting of the Municipal Council (n° 9) - 1952-01-03

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Codice di riferimento



Meeting of the Municipal Council (n° 9) - 1952-01-03


  • 1952-01-03 (Creazione)

Livello di descrizione

Unità documentaria

Consistenza e supporto

Number of pages: 6

Area del contesto

Nome del soggetto produttore

Istituto conservatore

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Ambito e contenuto

Hanna ‘Atallah (acting chair),
‘Arif al-‘Arif,
Omar al-Wa’ari,
Fou’ad Muhie al-Din al-Nashashibi,
Anton Lawrence,
Ruhi al-Khatib,
Fayez al-‘Alami,
Dr. George Farah,
Rashid al-Haddad,
Nihad Abu Gharbieh,
Salah al-Din Jarallah (secretary),
Anton Safieh (city clerk and head of finance).

Dr. Salim M’atouq,
Dr. Amin Majj.

Approval of the decisions of the previous meeting - p. 1;
The loan of the municipality - p. 1;
The balance of the Ras al-‘Ain project - pp. 1-2. The balance of the municipality in Barclays Bank (27500) dinars - p. 2;
Request to rent the old police station in Jaffa Gate – p. 2;
Rental of municipal offices - p. 2;
The committee for donations for the Poor of Jerusalem and the ways of distribution - p. 3;
Education and sewage taxes - p. 3;
Fire Brigade - p. 3;
Water supplied to UNRWA - pp. 3-4;
Vegetable market - p. 4;
Wooden porches at the vegetable market - p. 4;
The meetings of the municipal Council subcommittee - pp. 4-5;
Recommendations of the legal committee on 15/12/51 - p. 5;
The letter of Mufied Effendi al-Nashashibi - The health engineer - p. 5;
Recommendations of the roads, public works and bidding Committee on 15/12/51: Item (4) The relation between the Law of Public Institutions and the City Planning Law - p. 5;
Transferring UNRWA’s departments from Beirut to Jordan - p. 6;
Augusta Victoria hospital (al-Mutli’) - p. 6;
Economic projects - p. 6.

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