Pièce JM-AIY/B936-4/1952-12-16 - Meeting of the Municipal Council (n° 57) - 1952-12-16

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Meeting of the Municipal Council (n° 57) - 1952-12-16


  • 1952-12-16 (Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

Number of pages: 10

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Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

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Portée et contenu

Omar al-Wa’ari (chair),
Hanna ‘Atallah,
‘Arif al-‘Arif,
Fou’ad Muhie al-Din al-Nashashibi,
Anton Lawrence,
Dr. Amin Majj,
Ruhi al-Khatib,
Fayez al-‘Alami,
Dr. George Farah,
Rashid al-Haddad,
Dr. Salim M’atouq,
Nihad Abu Gharbieh,
Salah al-Din Jarallah (secretary),
Anton Safieh (city clerk and head of finance).

Approval of the decisions of the previous meeting no. 56 - p. 1;
Reconsidering the prices of water supplied to the municipalities of Ramallah and al-Bireh - p. 1;
Recommendations of the administrative and financial committee on 7/12/52: [requests from individuals], amending the assessment of some buildings and lands for the year 1952/1953, requests for exemption from paying municipality tax on property under article 118 of the Municipalities Act of 1934 - pp. 1-4;
Recommendations of the administrative and financial committee on 14/12/52: Request of workers' inspectors regarding the summer clothing, request of the employees to provide them with the appointment reports, directing the finance department in preparing the tables of honorarium for the employees during the mandate period - p. 5;
The case of Khamis Najim - p. 5;
Report of the special committee on paving al-Thowri Road - p. 6;
Recommendations of the legal committee on 13/12/1952: The case of Akram al-‘Asali, the Palestinian Museum, bylaw for collecting fees in the slaughterhouse, request for a permit for constructing a building in Karm al-Rassas, rent of Silwan school - pp. 6-9;
The municipality’s loan from the council for reconstruction – p .9;
Surety of employees - p. 9;
Naming the city’s streets - pp. 9-10;
Municipality obligations - p. 10.

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