Pièce JM-AIY/B936-2/1950-04-01 - Meeting of the Municipal Committee (n° 3) - 1950-04-01

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Meeting of the Municipal Committee (n° 3) - 1950-04-01


  • 1950-04-01 (Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

Number of pages: 5

Zone du contexte

Nom du producteur

Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

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Portée et contenu

Anwar al-Khatib (chair),
Anstas Hanania (deputy),
Hussein al-Nashashibi,
Francis Batato,
Sa’id Wafa al-Dajani,
Yassin al-Khalidi,
Hanna ‘Atallah,
Ruhi al-Khatib,
Goerge As’ad Khadir,
Ibrahim Isma’il al-Husseini,
Omar al-Wa’ari,
Sa’id Hindiyeh,
Salah al-Din Jarallah (secretary),
Anton Safieh (city clerk).

Approval of the decisions of the second meeting of the municipal committee on 18/3/1950 - p. 1;
The recommendations of the bidding committee concerning the slaying obligation and supplying the health and water departments with their needs of diesel and oil - p. 1;
The chair’s report on rebuilding the shop of Ghattas Jahshan at the New Gate - p. 2;
The chair’s report on reinstalling a petrol pump in the square of Herod’s Gate by ‘Shell’ - p. 2;
The vegetable market - p. 2;
The kiosk at Damascus Gate - p. 3;
Contraband - p. 3;
The new body of the Jerusalem municipality - p. 4;
Enlightening the streets - p. 4;
Newspaper’s articles related to the municipality - p. 4;
Exempting diesel from customs duties - p. 5;
Wooden porches at Herod’s Gate - p. 5.

Évaluation, élimination et calendrier de conservation


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Mots-clés - Genre

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