عرض نتائج٪ 1٪

Archival description
TR-BOA/BEO/863-64687 · Item · 1896-11-8
جزء من Documentary Office of the Sublime Porte

That the revision of the records in the name of the State of Russia of property and lands in and around Jerusalem and in the province of Syria, which were entrusted with the officials of the consulate and other individuals for safekeeping purposes, is one of the requirements of the imperial decree (Endowment, Imperial Ledger; 56932)No signature.

TR-BOA/BEO/872-65391 · Item · 1896-11-26
جزء من Documentary Office of the Sublime Porte

That an imperial decree was promulgated for the awarding of concession to Numan and Ebuşiir Efendi for the establishment of an ice factory in each of the cities of Aleppo, Damascus and Jerusalem, and that a fee should be exacted depending on the size of the concession as a contribution to the Aid Fund of the Sublime Porte.] (Commerce)No signature.

TR-BOA/BEO/877-65757 · Item · 1896-12-7
جزء من Documentary Office of the Sublime Porte

The execution of the necessary notification of the French Embassy, with the attached telegraphs sent from the Governorate of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Greek Patriarchate regarding the preservation of the status quo in the Holy Sepulchre Church, stating that an organ was placed in defiance of the status quo in the section of the aforementioned church which belongs to the Latins (Foreign Affairs; 1225)1-6: no signature.

TR-BOA/BEO/883-66218 · Item · 1896-12-15
جزء من Documentary Office of the Sublime Porte

That there was no harm in the publication of the book with the title Kitabü's-Seyfi'l-Hamidi, which was reported to have been cleared through the customs by the Jaffa Customs Administration, since it was not written for the purpose of provoking the Muslim people against the Christians (Foreign Affair, Beirut, Customs, Jerusalem; 59801)1-7: no signature.

TR-BOA/BEO/893-66942 · Item · 1897-1-10
جزء من Documentary Office of the Sublime Porte

The peaceful settlement of the present disputes by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with which there is ongoing communication for the settlement of the dispute between the Latins and Greeks about the article regarding the transfer of the northern stairs of the Cave of Nativity (Jerusalem; 53512) No signature.