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Selection of appointment registers from the records of the awqāf of the Maghariba neighborhood

  • Raccolta
  • 1303-10-15-1914-09-28

This body of document is composed of registers from the records of the awqāf of the Maghariba neighborhood. They mainly deal with appointments, promotions, and dismissals of waqf employees.
The appointment registers (esās/şaẖsiyāt) are an other primary sources to provide us with adequate information on the actual nature of the social and economic activities of a waqf, or on the changes in these activities over time.

The registers are bound in leather, cloth, or marbled paper, and are written in the inaccessible ṣiyaḳat writing style [...]. Ṣiyaḳat refers to letters and numbers expressed in the “stairs” style of writing, used in Ottoman accounting documents to establish a powerful regime of surveillance, inspection, and communication. Each register starts with an index page. In the index, the records are organized under the headings of the district names and the records were entered on this basis. Records are usually written vertically. The contents provide detailed information about the administrative structure of the area, the names of the district, names of the awqāf and their founders, types of work, previous and current names of office holders, reasons for new postings, fees, names of administrators who can request different postings, and the dates of documents recorded in a specific order and sequence.

While the records in the ʿatīḳ registers are arranged according to their administrative units, the cedīd structure is identical to the waqf registers. These registers began to be kept after 1300/1882, with a specific reference to the ʿatīḳ series. These are also hardcover volumes bound in leather, cloth, or marbled
paper, written in rikʿa, rikʿa crumble, dīvanī or tāʿlīk style. The records are usually written horizontally. Four series of registers make up this collection. The cedīd registers are also organized differently than the ʿatīḳ registers and are written in a systematic way in a chart called the “Register of Professions” (Defter Esās Cihāt). All new appointments and other additions are written in the events section of the chart. Thus, this chart acts as a summary of the activities of the waqfiyya.
The records of the Maghariba neighborhood are located in number 515 of the ʿatīḳ registers (Kudüs ʿatīḳ) and in number 160 of the cedīd (Kudüs cedīd) registers. There is also an index register numbered 163 called the Index of Benghazi and Jerusalem, which includes the index of the ʿatīḳ and cedīd registers.

Jerusalem Awqâf Administration (KEAM)

Collection of Ottoman documents, Jerusalem (Kudus) section

  • BG-NBKM/283A
  • Fondo
  • 1550-01-01-1908-12-31

Since the documents were sent from Istanbul and mostly from the former Ottoman ministry of finances’s depositories, they mainly deal with financial issues and are related to all the former Ottoman provinces ( the Balkans, Anatolia, the Arabian Peninsula, and North Africa).

The fonds 283A includes 469 archival units (that is, folders) stored into 7 boxes. Most of the folders only contains one single document, but sometimes there are two to three, in rare cases even more documents. Some of the documents are torn and therefore are just fragments simply because the initial purpose of their transportation to Bulgaria was to be recycled in a paper mill as said above. Some other documents are in a poor condition, the edges being rotten and the text partly illegible. These damaged documents had already been taken out for chemical restoration when the inventory was made by Orlin Sabev, therefore they could not have been included into it.
The documents of fonds 283A date from the mid-16th to the early 20th century. The earliest document is dating from 1550 (fragment of a register of zeamets in the district of Doha), while the latest one is from 1908 (related to revenue collection). The 19th century documents prevail, however the number of the 17th- and 18th-century documents is also considerable. In terms of content, almost all of them deal with financial issues related mostly to incomes from taxes, expenses for the officers who guarded the fortress of Jerusalem, as well as some other minor fortresses in the region, and transfer of waqf posts with the respective salary from one holder (mostly because of his death) to another holder. Having this in mind, the documents of Fonds “Jerusalem” preserved in the National Library in Sofia could be useful for studying the socio-economic history of Jerusalem and its province during the Ottoman period.

The descriptions mention in parenthesis Gregorian dates, and into an other set of parenthesis Hijri dates and Rumi dates. When the author of the description could not read the spelling for sure, words have been put into square brackets.
In addition, the author wrote for a number of nouns the spelling in modern Turkish into parenthesis.

Finally, the nature of this fonds couldn't provide a properly structured analysis according to international standards of archival description, so we chose to divide the inventory into artificial series of 50 items, in order to ease the reading and searching.

Ministry of Finance of the Ottoman Empire (ML)

Cevdet Paşa’s collection

  • TR-BOA/C
  • Raccolta
  • 1553-01-01-1904-12-31

This fonds includes documents gathered by Cevdet Pasa and arranged by him according to their topic.

Ahmed Cevdet Paşa (ACP)

Parrocchia Gerusalemme San Salvatore

  • JM-ASCTS/P/SSalvatore
  • Fondo
  • 1617-07-09-1977-02-28

Archivi delle parrocchie, Giudea, Gerusalemme. S. Salvatore

Alla parrocchia di San Salvatore hanno sempre afferito tutti i fedeli cattolici di rito latino della città di Gerusalemme. Assieme a Betlemme, è la più antica parrocchia francescana di Terra Santa. Nel 1670 vi risultava eretta una confraternita posta sotto l’invocazione del Buon Pastore, cui Clemente X concesse l’indulgenza plenaria (1). Nel 1678, il custode Pier Marino Sormani affermava che vi fossero circa 200 fedeli cattolici, che nel 1715 sarebbero cresciuti a 285 (2). Il numero, tuttavia, doveva essere piuttosto fluttuante, se nella relazione inviata alla S. Congregazione de Propaganda Fide nel 1699 i parrocchiani risultavano essere 330, di cui 234 in età da comunione; nello stesso anno già operava presso la parrocchia una scuola, guidata da P. Antonio di San Pietro, che contava 30 scolari (3). Nel 1761 a Gerusalemme erano invece censiti 342 greco-cattolici, 144 maroniti, 86 siriani, 29 armeni, 18 caldei e 134 copti, tutti, tranne i maroniti, passati al rito latino. Cinque anni più tardi i Cattolici erano 961, quasi tutti di rito latino (4).
La parrocchia continuò a crescere nel corso del secolo XIX e nella prima metà del XX. Nel 1933 vi risultavano operanti quattro associazioni religiose laicali: il Terz’Ordine Francescano, la Pia Unione di Sant’Antonio di Padova, la Pia Unione delle Figlie di Maria e la Conferenza di San Vincenzo de Paoli (5).
Nel 1948, a seguito della guerra arabo-israeliana e della conseguente divisione di Gerusalemme in due zone, la parte occidentale, collocata sotto la giurisdizione di Israele, rimase separata dalla parrocchia di San Salvatore, ubicata invece in territorio giordano, come tutta la città vecchia. Il patriarca, pertanto, nominò un vicario cooperatore per la zona israeliana, inizialmente soggetto al parroco di San Salvatore, ma successivamente con piene facoltà di parroco; la chiesa parrocchiale di Gerusalemme ovest fu stabilita nella chiesa del Terra Sancta College (6). Nel 1966, a seguito dell’annessione di Gerusalemme est allo stato di Israele, la parrocchia di San Salvatore tornò ad essere unificata (7).
L’archivio parrocchiale di San Salvatore di Gerusalemme non rende piena giustizia all’indefessa attività pastorale dei suoi parroci. La documentazione conservata è quantitativamente piuttosto modesta e manca la parte più antica dell’archivio. Gli stessi registri sacramentali, sempre particolarmente curati nella tenuta, conservano poco materiale settecentesco e nulla di seicentesco. Una situazione analoga si riscontra nelle altre serie documentarie.

1 ASCTS, CC, Diplomatico, 90.
2 Pieraccini 2006, pp. 53-54.
3 da Civezza, VII/3, pp. 458, 464. Registrazioni del tardo Ottocento relative a questa scuola si conservano in ASCTS, AA, Terra Sancta Boy’s Orphanage, 95 e 96.
4 Pieraccini 2006, p. 56.
5 Status descriptivus 1933, p. 27.
6 Documenta tale periodo il registro ASCTS, P, Gerusalemme, Terra Sancta College, Entrate e uscite, 1.
7 Cronotassi dei parroci di rito latino di Gerusalemme in DTS, III, pp. 46-50.

Struttura dei fondi: global extent: 62 files; 1617 lug. 9 - 1977 feb. 28
Serie A, Manuali. Global extent: 1 file; 1733 set. 5 - 1849 feb.
Serie B, Sante messe. Global extent: 8 files; 1853 mag. 1 - 1974 mag. 31
B-I, Messe pro populo. Global extent: 3 files; 1853 mag. 1 - 1936 dic. 25
B-II, Messe ad intentionem parochi. Global extent: 5 files; 1950 gen. 2 - 1974 mag. 31
Serie C, Registri sacramentali. Global extent: 33 files; 1617 lug. 9 - [Post 1960]
C-I, Registrazioni miste. Global extent: 1 file; 1906 gen. 4 – 1906 dic. 26
C-II, Battesimi. Global extent: 6 files; 1617 lug. 9 - 1938 dic. 25
C-III, Riconciliati. Global extent: 1 file; 1858 feb. 27 – 1913 ott. 3
C-IV, Sponsali. Global extent: 3 files; 1732 - 1911 gen. 14
C-V, Sacramenti ad ammalati e partorienti. Global extent: 5 files; 1954 set. 25 - 1962 mag. 23
C-VI, Defunti. Global extent: 2 files; 1906 gen. 4 - 1922 dic. 30
C-VII, Stati delle anime. Global extent: 15 files; 1836 - [Post 1960]
Serie D, Carteggio. Global extent: 12 files; 1729 ott. 31- [1970ca.]
D-I, Matrimoni. Global extent: 3 files; 1729 ott. 31 – 1953 nov. 17
D-II, Miscellanea. Global extent: 9 files; 1835 mag. 20 - [1970ca.]
Serie E, Elemosine. Global extent: 3 files; 1885 feb. - 1954 dic.
Serie F, Cronache. Global extent: 4 files; [1935ca.] - 1977 feb. 28
Series G, Archivio aggregato della Pia unione di S. Antonio. Global extent: 1 file; 1894 set. 23 – 1921 giu. 12

Custody of the Holy Land (CTS)

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