Félix-Marie Abel, o.p. (FMA)

Πεδίο Αναγνώρισης

Τύπος της Οντότητας


Καθιερωμένη μορφή του Ονόματος

Félix-Marie Abel, o.p. (FMA)

Παράλληλη μορφή(ες) του Ονόματος

  • Father Abel

Τυποποιημένη μορφή(ες) του ονόματος σύμφωνα με άλλους κανόνες

Άλλες μορφές του ονόματος

Κωδικοί αναγνώρισης για Συλλογικά Όργανα

Πεδίο περιγραφής

Ημερομηνίες της ύπαρξης



One of the masters of the founding generation of the School was Félix- Marie Abel, o.p., born in Saint-Uze, in the Drôme, in 1878. He arrived as a novice in December 1897, and as soon as M.-J. Lagrange had identified his exceptional abilities, it was decided that he would remain in Jerusalem. He quickly became known for his mastery of Greek sources (texts and inscriptions), for the history and geography of Palestine. He wrote the historical part of Louis-Hugues Vincent's archaeological studies on Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron. He composed a large commentary of 1- 2 Maccabees (1949), books that he also translated for the fascicle edition of the Jerusalem Bible. For the second edition of the Jerusalem Bible, his work was largely taken up by Jean Starcky. Abel had also been asked to translate the Book of Joshua, which he was also commenting on at the time of his death.

Abel taught geography courses in Palestine at the Bible School for nearly 50 years. In 1932, he and Vincent carried out excavations on the site of the Byzantine Emmaus. In 1940, he was appointed consultant to the Pontifical Biblical Commission.

His three most enduring works remain: Grammar of the Biblical Greek followed by a selection of papyrus, Bible Studies series (1927), Geography of Palestine (I. 1933; II. 1938), and History of Palestine from the conquest of Alexander to the Arab invasion (1952). It is less well known that this scientist was an accomplished watercolorist, who wrote an illustrated guide to the Holy Land.

He died at the École Biblique on the eve of the 1953 Annunciation.


Νομικό καθεστώς

Λειτουργίες, επάγγελμα και δραστηριότητες

Προέλευση των Καθιερωμένων Αποδόσεων

Εσωτερική δομή/γενεαλογία<

Γενικό πλαίσιο

Πεδίο σχέσεων

Access points area

Θέματα ως Σημεία πρόσβασης

Τοποθεσίες ως Σημεία πρόσβασης


Πεδίο ελέγχου

Authority record identifier


Αναγνωριστικό φορέα τεκμηρίωσης

Χρησιμοποιούμενοι Κανόνες ή Πρότυπα Περιγραφής

ISAAR (CPF), 2nd Edition, 2004.


Επίπεδο λεπτομέρειας

Ημερομηνίες δημιουργίας, αναθεώρησης και διαγραφής

Entry prepared on November 2018




Σημειώσεις συντήρησης

Author(s) : Marie-Alpais Torcheboeuf.

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