Item JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol2/p3b/item15 - Budget matter regarding the construction of new rooms in a hospital relegated to the Sanjak Administrative Council, 14 July 1894 (Gregorian calendar) - 2 Tammûz 1310 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

حقل المعرف الفريد

الرمز المرجعي



Budget matter regarding the construction of new rooms in a hospital relegated to the Sanjak Administrative Council, 14 July 1894 (Gregorian calendar) - 2 Tammûz 1310 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

التاريخ (التواريخ)

  • 1894-07-14 (Creation)

مستوى الوصف


مدى ونوع المادة الموصوفة

1 item

حقل السياق

مسمى المنشئ

التاريخ الأرشيفي

المصدر المباشر للاقتناء أو النقل

حقل المحتوى والبنية

النطاق والمحتوى

Since there is an increase in the number of people infected with leprosy, the places reserved for the residence of patients in Beyru’l-bevvab do not suffice anymore. It has been observed that these patients go, therefore, to the hospital belonging to the Germans and that they have difficulties during their examinations there since the majority of them are Muslims. As a result of inspections, it has been seen that it is possible to construct six more rooms in Beyru’l-bavvab. A calculation of the estimated cost of the said rooms shows that even though the width and height of each of these rooms is 3 meters, there is a need for a cost of 12,000-13,000 piasters. On the other hand, although 48,000 piasters have been allocated in the budget for the cost of the slaughterhouse planned to be reconstructed, and as a result of the tender, it has been understood that it can be constructed at a rate of 35,000 piasters. The 13,000 piasters remaining after the absorption of the costs of the said slaughterhouse can then be allocated for the construction cost of these rooms. Despite the fact that it is suitable now to begin construction work, it is still appropriate to relegate the matter to the sanjak administrative council in order to re-negotiate whether it is suitable or not. The 2nd of Tâmuz (1)310 (14th of July 1894).
[5 signatures]

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