Fonds VA-ASV/Robinson - Archive of Friar Paschal Robinson ofm (1870-1948), mission as Apostolic Visitator in Palestine

حقل المعرف الفريد

الرمز المرجعي



Archive of Friar Paschal Robinson ofm (1870-1948), mission as Apostolic Visitator in Palestine

التاريخ (التواريخ)

  • 1919-01-01-1938-12-31 (Creation)

مستوى الوصف


مدى ونوع المادة الموصوفة

Global extent: 5 “busta” (folders), 15 selected and described files

حقل السياق

مسمى المنشئ


السيرة الذاتية

1929-1948: appointed Titular of the new Apostolic Nonciature in Ireland.

التاريخ الأرشيفي

المصدر المباشر للاقتناء أو النقل

حقل المحتوى والبنية

النطاق والمحتوى

Before being appointed Titular of the new Apostolic Nonciature in Ireland (1929-1948), Fr Paschal Robinson ofm (1870-1948) had an intense diplomatic activity on behalf of the Holy See, in particular of the Secretariat of State and the Congregations for the Oriental Church and Propaganda Fide.
After his death, Mgr Domenico Tardini, at that time secretary of the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, ordered to preserve the documents of his missions as Apostolic Visitator in Palestine and Apostolic Delegate in Malta. Then the documents were deposited in the ASV.
The six folders mainly concerns the Apostolic visits to Palestine entrusted to Fr Robinson by the Congregation for the Oriental Church (1925-1928) and the Congregation for Propaganda Fide (1920-1921; 1927-1928).

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


The fonds is closed.

System of arrangement

شروط الوصول والاستخدام

الشروط التي تحكم الوصول والاتاحة

Subject to the authorization of the Vatican Secret Archives (Città del Vaticano).
Some files are closed or on limited access. In accordance with a practice established in 1924, the pope grants free access to the documents "grouped into pontificates" currently running up to the end of the papacy of Pope Pius XI (February 1939).

Conditions governing reproduction

Language of material

Script of material

Language and script notes

الخصائص المادية والمتطلبات الفنية

Finding aids

المواد ذات العلاقة

Existence and location of originals

Existence and location of copies

Related units of description

أوصاف ذات الصلة

حقل الملاحظات

المعرف (المعرفات) البديلة

نقاط الاتاحة

نقاط الوصول الموضوعية

مداخل الوصول (أماكن)

اسم نقاط الوصول

نمط نقاط الوصول

حقل ضبط التسجيلة الوصفية

المعرف القياسي للوصف

معرف المؤسسة

Rules and/or conventions used

ISAD(G), Second Edition, Ottawa 2000.


حالة الوصف

Dates of creation revision deletion

Catalogue prepared on August 2017

اللغة (اللغات)

الملفات النصية


Archivist's note

Inventory of a range of 15 files from the Archive of Friar Paschal Robinson ofm (1870-1948), mission as Apostolic Visitator in Palestine (1919-1938), held by the Vatican Secret Archives (Città del Vaticano), translated by Maria Chiara Rioli, 2017.

Accession area

مواضيع ذات صلة

الأشخاص والمنظمات ذات الصلة

الأنواع ذات الصلة

أماكن ذات صلة