Item JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol3/p39a/item277 - About penalties taken for unlicensed construction, 21 May 1899 (Gregorian calendar) - 10 Mayîs 1315 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

حقل المعرف الفريد

الرمز المرجعي



About penalties taken for unlicensed construction, 21 May 1899 (Gregorian calendar) - 10 Mayîs 1315 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

التاريخ (التواريخ)

  • 1899-05-21 (Creation)

مستوى الوصف


مدى ونوع المادة الموصوفة

1 item

حقل السياق

مسمى المنشئ

التاريخ الأرشيفي

المصدر المباشر للاقتناء أو النقل

حقل المحتوى والبنية

النطاق والمحتوى

The high number of the buildings constructed within and outside the city walls, and the remoteness between them make it difficult to inspect on a daily basis whether these buildings are constructed in conformity with legal licenses. Additionally, due to the high number of duties of the municipal engineer, it has been understood by our Council that it would not be easy to conduct regular inspections. Apart from the relevant tax, a penalty, of equal value with the tax, is taken from the building owners having unlicensed construction. Although it has been considered by our Council that not only things will become easier, but also incomes will increase if an official under the name of building inspector is appointed, who would receive half of the amount of the penalty, it is appropriate to relegate the matter to the Sanjak Administrative Council in order to report whether this would be suitable or not. The 10th of Mâyis (1)315 (21st of May 1899).
[4 signatures]

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