Unità documentaria JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol3/p16a/item112 - About non-acceptation by the population of mejidies and necessity to inform a.i. about this matter, 2 April 1895 (Gregorian calendar) - 20 Mârt 1311 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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About non-acceptation by the population of mejidies and necessity to inform a.i. about this matter, 2 April 1895 (Gregorian calendar) - 20 Mârt 1311 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1895-04-02 (Creazione)

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1 item

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In the decrees issued with respect to the issue, it was frequently stated that it was necessary to use in the state offices and among people the multitude of mejidies and quarters in circulation, which were worn or blackened, whose dates were effaced and weights diminished. It was understood that the hesitation shown by the people in using such mejidies originated from the fact that these coins were not accepted in the railway, reji, public debt, telegraph and post office administrations. If these mejidies are not accepted in the said offices, it will not be possible for these coins to circulate also among the people. Thus, it is appropriate to inform with an official letter the directors and the officials of the relevant offices about the fact that the said mejidies must be accepted. The 21st of Mârt (1)311 (2nd of April 1895).
[1 signature]

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