Unità documentaria JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol14/p14a/item60 - About a telegram from the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding negocation for roads, passages, facilitation of commerce and agriculture, 18 February 1909 (Gregorian calendar) - 5 Shubât 1324 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

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About a telegram from the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding negocation for roads, passages, facilitation of commerce and agriculture, 18 February 1909 (Gregorian calendar) - 5 Shubât 1324 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)


  • 1909-02-18 (Creazione)

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The telegram by the Ministry of Internal Affairs necessitates that the General Provincial Council convenes in order to hold a negotiation concerning roads, passages, facilitation of commerce and agriculture, etc. With the specification of some issues regarding public works deemed very necessary for our town’s interests, it has become indispensable to write down the considerations on this subject:
1) There is a macadam, erstwhile arranged by the Public Works, extending from the Greek Monastery in Jerusalem to the land known as Nikifurya; and in case of opening a road, with a width of 20 meters and an approximate length of 1,000 meters, on the condition that its expenses be paid from the allocations of the Public Works, the current distance to the railroad stop would thus be shortened. This would also facilitate commerce.
2) Even though it was previously requested that the incomes obtained from the bridge on the Jordan river be channelled for the alleviation of the necessities of the Jerusalem Hospital for the Poor, the letter later sent on this subject stated that the incomes of this bridge belong to the Treasury, as the said bridge had been constructed via the Public Works’ allocation. However, as the legislation on this subject stipulate that no tax be taken from roads and bridges to be made and expanded by the Public Works, abolition of the said toll.
3) Investigation of the means for improving agriculture has been recently dealt with in a report drawn up by the committee established under the presidency of the Director of Imperial Lands; and this situation is hereby presented in order to state that there will be great benefits for the people of Jerusalem if the provisions of this report are implemented. The 5th of Shubât (1)324 (18th of February 1909).

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