Mughrabi Quarter

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      • Archival City Dataset for the selection and 3D modeling: Banc-Lévêque, Raphael ; Lemire, Vincent ; Srl, 3D Research (2023) «Archival City Jerusalem- 3D modeling Jerusalem’s Maghrebi Quarter» [Dataset] NAKALA.

      Hierarchical terms

      Mughrabi Quarter

        Equivalent terms

        Mughrabi Quarter

          Associated terms

          Mughrabi Quarter

            72 Archival description results for Mughrabi Quarter

            72 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
            AlgerieActu/87 · 1967-06-18
            Part of Publications and Printed Documents

            Newspaper issue: Algérie Actualité, n° 87, June 18, 1967.

            Issue mentioned in: Vincent Lemire, "Au pied du mur : Vie et mort du quartier maghrébin de Jérusalem (1187-1967)", Paris, Éditions du Seuil, coll. "L'univers historique", 2022, p. 254-255.

            ArabWorld/8 · 1966-11-1966-12
            Part of Publications and Printed Documents

            Magazine issue: Arab World, n° 8, November-December 1966.

            Issue mentioned in: Vincent Lemire, "Au pied du mur : Vie et mort du quartier maghrébin de Jérusalem (1187-1967)", Paris, Éditions du Seuil, coll. "L'univers historique", 2022, p. 215.

            Dario Ingiusto's records
            RNYA/DI · Record group · 2014-2021

            These maps were commissioned to Dario Ingiusto for the purpose of the Open Jerusalem project. They represent Jerusalem at different stages of its evolution, from 1187 to 1967.

            Dario Ingiusto (DI)
            JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol3/p21a/item154 · Item · 1899-03-16
            Part of Registers of Jerusalem Municipality Council during the Ottoman period

            It has become clear since last year that the water collected in Birkat al-Sultân can be used for sprinkling. [Therefore,] it is necessary to reserve it until the undertaking of this year’s sprinkling. Accordingly, it has been decided on the council level to appoint a guardian to prevent people and animals of misusing the [pool] water. It has been found after investigation that al Haj Qasim al-Mughrabî is fit to the job. A monthly salary of six Majîdî Riyâls has been already assigned for him from the beginning of Friday until the undertaking of sprinkling. In order for this to be known, this decision was taken on the 4th of Mârt (1)315 (16th of March 1899).
            [7 signatures]