Showing 125 results

Authority record
Ahmed Cevdet Paşa
ERC337895-ACP · Person · 1822-1895

To be completed.
Ahmed Cevdet Pasha (22 March 1822 – 25 May 1895) was an Ottoman scholar, intellectual, bureaucrat, administrator, and historian who was a prominent figure in the Tanzimat reforms of the Ottoman Empire. He was the head of the Mecelle commission that codified Islamic law for the first time in response to the Westernization of law.

Ali Emiri Ahmed III
ERC337895-AEAIII · Person · To be completed

To be completed.

Ali Fuat Türkgeldi (AFT)
ERC337895-AFT · Person · 1867-1935

To be completed.
Ali Fuat Türkgeldi worked at different state offices such as Interior Chief Secretary of Ministry of Interior the Councillor of Ministry of Interior and the Imperial Council Directory Office of Finance and Public Works (Şura-yı Devlet Maliye ve Nafia Dairesi Başkanlığı) since 1907.

Awqaf Müdiriyeti (AM)
ERC337895-KEAM · Corporate body · From 1845

In Jerusalem, there was a Directorate of Awqâf (Awqaf Müdiriyeti) for the late Ottoman period, namely after Tanzimat (promulgated in 1839). But the Ministry of Awqâf in Istanbul was established in 1826. This application implemented by the central authority was also followed by the local administrations. Then, for the British Mandate and Jordanian periods there were two divisions in Awqâf administration : one was the General Directorate of Awqâf and the other was the Jerusalem Awqâf Administration.

The Department of the Waqf in Jerusalem charged with handling the question of Waqf properties was founded in 1264 H/1845 CE.

In the British Mandatory period these official functions were taken on by a specially created body known as the Supreme Muslim Council. After 1948, the SMC was replaced by the Jordanian government with a body that became known as the Awqaf Administration.

Bab-ı Ali
ERC337895-BA · Corporate body · 19th century-1923
Hariciye Nezâreti
ERC337895-HN · Corporate body · 1836-1922

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ottoman Turkish: Hariciye Nezâreti) was the department of the Imperial Government responsible for the foreign relations of the Ottoman Empire, from its establishment in 1836 to its abolition in 1922. Before 1836, foreign relations were managed by the Reis ül-Küttab, who was replaced by a Western-style ministry as part of the Tanzimat modernization reforms. The successor of the Ottoman Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic.

Haritalar (H)
ERC337895-H · Corporate body · [To be completed]

[To be completed]