[Temporary English translation]: Jerusalem Greek Monastery rahib thousand Saya Saya in the late Patriarch Damjanos be vested and shares the master of perception regarding the decision on behalf of a continental land required some property ifadat 1: no signature; 2-3: signed by [illegible]; 4-5: signed by land registry and cadastre minister..
[Temporary English translation]: Karyn Ertas in Jerusalem in Bethlehem 's Notreda de monastery belonging to the French rahib on behalf of Jarden correction ita -i- registration on behalf of the monastery of Invoices . No signature..
[Temporary English translation]: Jerusalem -i Alliance Council on Israelit Industrial School müzekkire in Şerif -i Humayun . No signature..
Translation of the regulations of the railway that is to be built from Jaffa to Jerusalem. (Petition 5) No signature..
Paper related to the petition of representative Alfred Dikastro regarding the examination and approval fo the old and new regulations of the railway to be built from Jaffa to Jerusalem. (Petition 6-7) 1-4: no signature.
Petition by Ceneral Mot regarding some statements abut the “Railway Internal Regulations” for the railway to be built from Jerusalem to Jaffa. (Petition 8) 1-3: no signature.
Petition of Evdar Sinhon Feerman regarding the fountain he will build to bring water to Jerusalem based on a request by an official ferman. (Petition 8) 1-3: no signature.
[Temporary English translation]: Located on the subject of Jerusalem Birüsseb Da Ismail Abul reserves the petition to save the land. Signed by [illegible]..
[Temporary English translation]: Jerusalem -i-Sharif the former clerk of the Court of First Instance Cevdet Bey's petition is on the fraud case. No signature..
[Temporary English translation]: Haram Al- Sharif which convicted of excavation which is executed within Jerusalem Sahratülmüşerref and Al-Aqsa Mosque Kayyımbaşı Sheikh Halil Efendi instead Arif Yunus on behalf of a bet from one appointment to certain statements havin David Mehmed - Denefü'l -Ansari petition of the Lord and other documents . 1, 4-6: no signature; 2-3: signed by [illegible]..