Showing 124 results
Архивное описание
The Hebrew University; Jewish education in the Diaspora, especially teaching of Hebrew
The Hebrew University; Jewish education in the Diaspora, especially teaching of Hebrew
The Hebrew University; Jewish education in the Diaspora; Hadassah Women’s Organization
The Hebrew University; Jewish education in the Diaspora; Hadassah Women’s Organization
Jewish education in the Diaspora; the Hebrew University
Jewish education in the Diaspora; the Hebrew University
Dushkin’s 85th birthday and the distribution of his autobiography, Living Bridges
Dushkin’s 85th birthday and the distribution of his autobiography, Living Bridges
A review of Dushkin’s book, Jewish Education in New York City, and texts of 2 speeches in the USA
A review of Dushkin’s book, Jewish Education in New York City, and texts of 2 speeches in the USA
Articles, addresses and reports on Jewish education in the USA and Israel
Articles, addresses and reports on Jewish education in the USA and Israel
Lectures, memoranda and reports on Jewish education, the Hebrew University, teacher’s seminaries, etc.
Lectures, memoranda and reports on Jewish education, the Hebrew University, teacher’s seminaries, etc.
Minutes and reports on teacher’s training and seminaries. Hebrew, stencil
Minutes and reports on teacher’s training and seminaries. Hebrew, stencil
Alexander Dushkin Papers - P 134
Alexander Dushkin Papers - P 134
Jewish education in New York and Chicago
Jewish education in New York and Chicago