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Item from fonds N°583, Dosya (file) N°28, Gömlek (subfile) N°21. Name of the Waqf: Waqf of Şeyh Ömer b. Abdullah b. Abdülnabi el Magribi el-Mahmudi el-Mücerred ; Name of the duty: unknown; Fee: unknown; Reason for the change: unknown; Name of the officer: unknown.

Item from fonds N°583, Dosya (file) N°27, Gömlek (subfile) N°20. Name of the Waqf: Waqf of Abu Madyan al-Gauth; Name of the duty: unknown; Fee: unknown; Reason for the change: unknown; Name of the officer: unknown. Content: It is the Turkish translation of the Arabic waqfiyya of the Ebû Medyen Şuayb al-Maghribi dated 29 Ramazan 720. It is stated in the waqfiyya that the founder assigned the lands of the village of ‘Ain Karim near Jerusalem, his property, as waqf the income of which was to benefit the Zâwiyah and the Maghribis.