Affichage de 13 résultats

Description archivistique
JM-ASCTS/CC/TSBOrfan · Fonds · 1843-06-11-2004-12-31

This fonds is part of the external collections (“archivi aggregati”) incorporated in the Archives of the Custodial Curia (general administration) held by the Historical Archive of the Custody of the Holy Land.

Structure of the fonds. Global extent: 107 files; 11 June 1843 - 2004; [1798]
Series A, Regulations and provisions. Global extent: 6 files; 11 June 1843 - 1981; [1798]
Series B, Correspondence. Global extent: 28 files; 23 Nov. 1870 - 24 Nov. 2003
B-I, Social Welfare Office. Global extent: 6 files; 1960- 1st Sept. 1989
B-II, United Nations Relief and Works Agency. Global extent: 3 files; 23 July 1949 - 2 Dec. 1986
B-III, Thematic arrangement. Global extent: 16 files; 16 May 1922 - 24 Nov. 2003
B-IV, Chronological arrangement. Global extent: 3 files; 23 Nov. 1870 - 4 Feb. 2000
Series C, Administration. Global extent: 17 files; 5 Jan. 1901 - 31 Dec. 2003
C-I, Inventories and accounting notes. Global extent: 4 files; Apr. 1959 - 31 Dec. 2003
C-II, Revenues and expenditure, Minutes. Global extent: 3 files; March 1969 - 5 May 1998
C-III, Revenues and expenditure. Global extent: 10 files; 5 Jan. 1901 - 1st Sept. 2002
Series D, Orphans. Global extent: 23 files; 1877-2004
D-I, Personal files. Global extent: 7 files; 1896-2000
D-II, Medical files. Global extent: 3 files; 16 Feb. 1970 - 10 Oct. 2003
D-III, Registers. Global extent: 9 files; 1877-2004
D-IV, Miscellanea. Global extent: 4 files; 1944-2000
Series E, Teaching staff. Global extent: 8 files; 10 July 1932 - 1995
E-I, Correspondence. Global extent: 7 files; 10 July 1932 - 31 July 1989
E-II, Personal files. Global extent: 1 file; 20 July 1932 - 1995
Series F, School. Global extent: 22 files; Oct. 1889 - 2003
F-I, Attendance registers. Global extent: 5 files; Sept. 1963 - May 1969
F-II, Marks. Global extent: 7 files; 1925-2001
F-III, Marks registers. Global extent: 10 files; Oct. 1889 - 2003
Series G, Chronicles. Global extent: 3 files; 28 May 1929 - 1st Dec. 1981

Sans titre
JM-ASCTS/CR/Agonia · Fonds · 1900-01-01-2000-09-27

This fonds is part of the Archives of Religious Houses (or Archives of convents) held by the Historical Archive of the Custody of the Holy Land.
The Church of All Nations, near the Gethsemane garden, was completed in 1924. The Church of All Nations is also known as the Church or Basilica of the Agony.

Structure: Global extent: 56 files; 1900-01-01-2000-09-27
Series A, Reports from the Discretorium – Convent’s chapter. Global extent: 1 file; 1957-02-01-1981-02-03
Series B, Manufacture. Global extent: 13 files; 1919-12-24-1924-07-22
B-I, Receipts and accounting notes. Global extent: 5 files; 1920-01-24-1924-07-18
B-II, Rolls of the workers' wages - Minutes. Global extent: 3 files; 1920-09-06-1924-07-12
B-III, Rolls of workers' wages. Global extent: 4 files; 1920-10-31-1924-03-22
B-IV, Expenditures. Global extent: 1 file; 1919-12-24-1924-07-22
Series C, Revenues and expenditure. Global extent: 3 files; 1973-01-01-1991-12-31
Series D, Holy Masses. Global extent: 9 files; 1924-08-07-1992-07-08
D-I, Charity Mass ("Pro gratia"). Global extent: 2 files; 1924-09-26-1944-06-23
D-II, Masses dedicated to benefactors ("Pro benefactoribus"). Global extent: 4 files; 1924-08-07-1981-02-26
D-III, Masses “pro eleemosyna”. Global extent: 3 files; 1977-02-01-1992-07-08
Series E, Confraternity of the Holy Hour. Global extent: 9 files; 1933-04-06-1992-12-03
E-I, Members and worship turns. Global extent: 8 files; 1933-04-06-1956-11-15
E-II, Masses. Global extent: 1 file; 1933-04-06-1992-12-03
Series F, Chronicles and memoirs. Global extent: 21 files; 1900-01-01-2000-09-27
F-I, Various memoirs. Global extent: 2 files; [Start -Mid. XXth century]
F-II, Registers of pilgrim priests near the Grotto of the Agony. Global extent: 5 files; 1958-06-17-1997-08-31
F-III, Registers of pilgrim priests . Global extent: 10 files; 1925-09-10-2000-09-27
F-IV, Registers of pilgrims. Global extent: 2 files; 1910-03-19-1923-06-09
F-V, Chronicles. Global extent: 2 files; 1945-01-10-1980-06-12

Sans titre
JM-ASCTS/CR/Cenacolo · Fonds · 1926-02-01-2000-09-03

This fonds is part of the Archives of Religious Houses (or Archives of convents) held by the Historical Archive of the Custody of the Holy Land.

The Monastery of St. Francis ad Coenaculum (familiarly known as the Little Cenacle) is located on Mount Zion, near the place where the Last Supper is commemorated and where, in the 14thcentury, the Friars Minor built the first monastery in the city of Jerusalem.

The Cenacle (from Latin cēnāculum "dining room", later spelt coenaculum and semantically drifting towards "upper room"), also known as the "Upper Room", is a room in the David's Tomb Compound in Jerusalem, traditionally held to be the site of the Last Supper.
In the 1330s, it passed into the custody of the Franciscan Order of Friars who managed the structure until 1524. At that time Ottoman authorities took possession of the Cenacle converting it into a mosque. The Franciscans were completely evicted from their surrounding buildings in 1550.
The friars betook themselves to the nearby bakery, where they lived until 1560 when they transferred to the Georgian monastery El Amud, called St. Saviour's.
On March 29, 1936 the Franciscans returned to within a few yards of the Cenacle, having bought the old bakery from the Dejani family that held the Cenacle and transformed it into the Convent of St. Francis, and the Church ad Coenaculum.

Structure of the fonds: global extent: 21 files; Feb. 1926 feb. - 3 Sept. 2000
Series A, Convent’s chapter. Global extent: 1 file; 18 Aug. 1986 - 8 Feb. 1993
Series B, Correspondence. Global extent: 1 file; 21 Dec. 1980 - 9 Dec. 1993
Series C, Holy Masses. Global extent: 2 files; 23 Apr. 1936 - 5 Jan. 1971
Series D, Chronicles and memoirs. Global extent: 17 files; Feb. 1926 - 3 Sept. 2000
D-I, Various memoirs. Global extent: 5 files; 17 May 1948 - 14 June 1962
D-II, Registers of pilgrim priest. Global extent: 7 files; 9 Jan. 1971 - 3 Sept. 2000
D-III, Registers of pilgrims. Global extent: 1 file; Feb. 1926 - [mid XXth century]
D-IV, Chronicles. Global extent: 4 files; 5 July 1960 - Dec. 1997

Sans titre
JM-ASCTS/CR/SSalvatore · Fonds · 1801-04-01-2001-10-30

This fonds is part of the Archives of Religious Houses (or Archives of convents) held by the Historical Archive of the Custody of the Holy Land.

The Monastery of Saint Saviour is a Catholic Franciscan monastery located on 1 Saint Francis Street, east of the New Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. The site was purchased from the Georgian Orthodox Church in 1560 with permission by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire, and the monastery was constructed in stages. The church building was erected in 1885, with renovation in 1985. The site includes a printing press, an organ workshop, a library and a Catholic school.

Besides from the Franciscan convent, Saint Saviour shelters also the “Parish of Saint Saviour” and a Casa Nova (a Franciscan house for pilgrims).
Convent of Terra Sancta College is a succursal of Saint Saviour’s Latin parish, and a cultural centre of the Custody of the Holy Land.

Structure of the fonds: global extent: 209 files; Apr. 1801 - 30 Oct. 2001
Series A, Regulations. Global extent: 3 files; 1884-[mid XXth century]
Series B, Correspondence. Global extent: 5 files; 1902 - 30 Oct. 2001
Series C, Assets and administration. Global extent: 15 files; Oct. 1885 - 1996
C-I, Inventories. Global extent: 4 files; 1906 - Sept. 1927
C-II, Receipts and accounting notes. Global extent: 1 file; 1986 - 1996
C-III, Daily expenses. Global extent: 9 files; Oct. 1885 - Sept. 1945
C-IV, Revenues and expenditure. Global extent: 1 file; Sept. 1977 - May 1996
Series D, Holy Masses. Global extent: 183 files; Apr. 1801 - 31 Dec. 1976
D-I, Hebdomadal offices. Global extent: 54 files; 31 July 1870 - 1st Jan. 1969
D-II, Masses “pro rege et pontifice”. Global extent: 13 files; Apr. 1801 - 21 July 1974
D-III, Masses dedicated to benefactors (“pro benefactoribus”). Global extent: 35 files; 12 May 1815 - 31 Dec. 1976
D-IV, Masses dedicated to the clergymen’s relatives (“ad intentionem religiosorum de familia”). Global extent: 18 files; 1st June 1822 - 31 Dec. 1976
D-V, Masses “pro eleemosyna”. Global extent: 22 files; 8 Feb. 1833 - 31 Dec. 1976
D-VI, Pious legates. Global extent: 7 files; 2 Jan. 1859 - 20 Apr. 1958
D-VII, Masses “pro defunctis fratribus, pro parentibus religiosorum et iuxta kalendarium”. Global extent: 28 files; 18 Jan. 1861 - 29 Aug. 1976
D-VIII, Offices celebrated by pilgrim priests. Global extent: 1 file; 18 Sept. 1903 - 24 July 1927
D-IX, Masses celebrated at the Austrian Hospice. Global extent: 1 file; 1st Oct. 1941 - 4 Aug. 1943
D-X, Masses dedicated to the Basilica [of the Annunciation in] Nazareth. Global extent: 1 file; 25 Apr. 1959 - 2 Jan. 1968
D-XI, Masses “ad mentem ministri generalis”. Global extent: 2 files; 16 May 1960 - 4 Dec. 1976
D-XII, Summaries of masses. Global extent: 1 file; Jan. 1909 - July 1927
Series E, Chronicles and memoirs. Global extent: 3 files; Jan. 1913 - 30 Dec. 1976
E-I, Various memoirs. Global extent: 1 file; Jan. 1913 - Dec. 1922
E-II, Registers of the pilgrim priests. Global extent: 2 files; 5 Jan. 1963 - 30 Dec. 1976

Sans titre
Terra Sancta College
JM-ASCTS/CC/CollegioTS · Fonds · 1881-11-13-1987-11-30

This fonds is part of the external collections (“archivi aggregati”) incorporated in the Archives of the Custodial Curia (general administration) held by the Historical Archive of the Custody of the Holy Land.

Structure of the fonds - Global extent: 52 files; 13 Nov. 1881 - 30 Nov. 1987
Series A, Regulations and programmes. Global extent: 4 files; 1924-1947
Series B, Correspondence. Global extent: 6 files; 15 Oct. 1929 - 10 June 1959
Series C, Personal files of the students. Global extent: 2 files; 1936-1947
Series D, Class registers. Global extent: 26 files; 1923-1947
Series E, Students registers. Global extent: 2 files; 1924-1948
Series F, Administration. Global extent: 9 files; 1929-1943
Series G, Various memoirs. Global extent: 3 files; 13 Nov. 1881 - 30 Nov. 1987

Sans titre
JM-ASCTS/CF/G-Noviziato · Fonds · 1932-09-10-1946-09-17

This fonds is part of the Archives of Training Houses held by the Historical Archive of the Custody of the Holy Land.

Structure of the fonds - Global extent: 3 files; 1932 set. 10 – 1946 set. 17
Series A, Correspondence. Global extent: 1 file; 1932 set. 10 – 1946 set. 17
Series B, Chronicles. Global extent: 2 files; 1943 ago. 11 - 1944 ago. 14

Sans titre
JM-ASCTS/CR/DomFlevit · Fonds · 1901-01-13-1992-07-31

To be completed.

This fonds is part of the Archives of Religious Houses (or Archives of convents) held by the Historical Archive of the Custody of the Holy Land.
Dominus Flevit is a Roman Catholic church on the Mount of Olives, opposite the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. The church was designed and constructed between 1953 and 1955 by the Italian architect Antonio Barluzzi and is held in trust by the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land.

Structure of the fonds: Global extent: 17 files; 1901-01-13-1992-07-31
Series A, Correspondence. Global extent: 2 files; 28 July 1975 - 10 Nov. 1975
Series B, Assets and administration. Global extent: 4 files; Aug. 1971 - Jan. 1983
B-I, Accounting notes and receipts. Global extent: 1 file; Jan. 1979 - Jan. 1981
B-II, Revenues and expenditure. Global extent: 3 files; Aug. 1971 - Jan. 1983
Series C, Holy Masses. Global extent: 3 files; 13 Jan. 1901 - 31 July 1992
Series D, Chronicles and memoirs. Global extent: 8 files; [1970] - 20 Oct. 1990
D-I, Various memoirs. Global extent: 2 files; [1970-1980]
D-II, Registers of pilgrim priests. Global extent: 3 files; 2 July 1958 - 20 Oct. 1990
D-III, Registers of pilgrims. Global extent: 3 files; 9 Aug. 1971 - 2 March 1982

Sans titre
JM-ASCTS/CR/SGBMontana · Fonds · [1727]-[1989]

After the expulsion of the Christian religious community which settled there for the first time in 1427, the convent located in Ain Karem at Saint John the Baptist's birtplace was founded in 1679. Its oldest archives still held by the Custody of the Holy Land are dated from the beginning of the 18th century. The entire fonds consist of general correspondence and of documents related to canonical visits and regulations for instance,

Sans titre
JM-ASCTS/CN/Gerusalemme · Fonds · 1751-02-02-1983-01-18

This fonds is part of the Archives of Case Nove (Pilgrim Houses) held by the Historical Archive of the Custody of the Holy Land.

Structure of the fonds - Global extent: 50 files; 2 Feb. 1751 - 18 Jan. 1983
Series A, Registers of pilgrims. Global extent: 9 files; 16 Jan. 1901 - 18 Jan. 1983
Series B, Registers of guests. Minutes. Global extent: 4 files; 17 Jan. 1852 - Jan. 1962
Series C, Registers of guests. Global extent: 11 files; 1st Jan. 1856 - 11 Aug. 1955
Series D, Pilgrims files. Global extent: 5 files; 1st Apr. 1933 - 17 Nov. 1937
Series E, Correspondence. Global extent: 2 files; 2 Feb. 1751 - 24 Feb. 1967
Series F, Accounts of kitchen and bar. Global extent: 13 files; 2 Dec. 1922 - 31 Jan. 1980
Series G, Revenues and expenditure. Global extent: 5 files; 8 Jan. 1877 - Dec. 1943
Series H, Chronicles. Global extent: 1 file; 1889 - 1903

Sans titre
JM-ASCTS/CR/Flagellazione · Fonds · 1875-11-01-1996-06-01

This fonds is part of the Archives of Religious Houses (or Archives of convents) held by the Historical Archive of the Custody of the Holy Land.

Structure of the fonds: Global extent: 67 files; 1875-11-01-1996-06-01
Series A, Assets and administration. Global extent: 12 files; Nov. 1875 - Sept. 1989
A-I, Special accounts. Global extent: 1 file; Nov. 1875 - Apr. 1878
A-II, Cash desk journal. Global extent: 2 files; Sept. 1977 - Sept. 1989
A-III, Revenues and expenditures, Minutes. Global extent: 1 file; July 1971 - Dec. 1974
A-IV, Revenues and expenditures. Global extent: 8 files; Oct. 1925 - Dec. 1982
Series B, Holy Masses. Global extent: 54 files; 1st. Aug. 1888 - 1st June 1996
B-I, Bastardelli. Global extent: 1 file; Jan. 1967 - Apr. 1979
B-II, Mixed registration. Global extent: 2 files; 24 Sept. 1921 - 4 Feb. 1943
B-III, Masses dedicated to benefactors ("Pro benefactoribus"). Global extent: 6 files; 1st Aug. 1888 - 8 Apr. 1962
B-IV, Masses "pro defunctis fratribus, pro parentibus religiosorum et iuxta kalendarium". Global extent: 9 files; 30 Aug. 1889 - 15 March 1995
B-V, Masses dedicated to the clergymen's relatives ("ad intentionem religiosorum de familia"). Global extent: 5 files; 1st Nov. 1923 - 29 Apr. 1962
B-VI, Masses “pro eleemosyna”. Global extent: 28 files; 21 Nov. 1923 - 1 June 1996
B-VI-I, Pro eleemosyna I. Ad intentionem dantis et p. custodis. Global extent: 15 files; 21 Nov. 1923 - 31 Dec. 1974
B-VI-II, Pro eleemosyna II. Ad intentionem dantis e gregoriane. Global extent: 8 files; 19 Sept. 1939 - 30 Apr. 1962
B-VI-III, Pro eleemosyna III. Corsi di gregoriane. Global extent: 5 files; 19 Apr. 1953 - 1st June 1996
B-VII, Masses “ad mentem ministri generalis et pro Capitulo”. Global extent: 2 files; 18 May 1960 - 1st Dec. 1979
B-IX, Masses “pro basilica Nazaret”. Global extent: 1 file; 16 July 1959 - 1st Sept. 1961
Series C, REgisters of the pilgrim priests. Global extent: 1 file; 5 Jan. 1926 - 29 Dec. 1962

Sans titre