Report on the request made by Dr. John Ogilvie applying for a Vezirial Letter to establish a free Hospital and Sanatorium in Jericho (no page number).
Report on the dissensions between the Greek Patriarch and his clergy with observations on the Russian action in the matter (no page number).
Report on a dispute between the Greek and Latin communities in Jerusalem about the building of a wall at Gethsemane (pp. 89-93).
Register from 07/01/1891 to 02/12/1891, pages 1-373. Dispatches received from Jerusalem. The rest of the register - which has not been photographed - concerns Damascus.
Report on the election of Monsignor Gerasimos as new Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem (pp. 173-175).
Further report on the dispute between Greeks and Latins in the church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and on the steps taken in vain by the Governor to settle it (pp. 239-242).
Report on the difference between the Anglican Bishop and the German community on the question of the Protestant cemetery in Jerusalem (pp. 38-40).
Report and observations on the nomination as Catholicos of Etchimiadzin of Monsignor Khrimian, ex-Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople, now exiled in Jerusalem (pp. 50-52).
Report on the arrival in Jerusalem of French ecclesiastics and pilgrims on the occasion of a Latin Ecclesiastical Congress "Congrès eucharistique de Jérusalem" (pp. 85-88).
List of the Russian Jews under British protection for life and who registered themselves in the Consulate of Jerusalem (pp. 163-167).