Deutsche Evangelische Institut für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes, Jerusalem - German Protestant Institute for Classical Studies of the Holy Land, Jerusalem (DEI)

Area dell'identificazione

Codice identificativo


Forma autorizzata del nome

Deutsche Evangelische Institut für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes, Jerusalem - German Protestant Institute for Classical Studies of the Holy Land, Jerusalem (DEI)

Forma(e) parallele di nome

    Altra(e) forma(e) di nome


      • Università

      Area dei contatti



      Indirizzo stradale

      Auguste-Victoria-Compound P.O.Box 18 463




      Nome del Paese

      Codice di avviamento postale



      + 972 (0) 2 628 4792




      Area della descrizione


      The German Protestant Institute for Classical Studies of the Holy Land was founded on 19 June 1900 at the Synod in Eisenach by a resolution of the Protestant regional churches. The tasks of the Institute were already described in the deed of foundation: Accordingly, the Holy Land, with its diverse history, different cultures and religions, was to be explored in order to bring the findings to the professional world and make them comprehensible to the layman.

      Since 1968, the German Evangelical Institute for Classical Studies of the Holy Land has been a church foundation under public law. The Institute is managed by the Evangelical Church of Germany in Hanover and is located in Jerusalem and Amman. The Institute cooperates closely with the German Archaeological Institute and enjoys the support of the Förderverein für das DEI.

      Contesto culturale e geografico

      Mandato/Fonti autoritative

      Struttura amministrativa

      Politiche di gestione documentale e di acquisizione



      Library: The Institute's library currently contains approximately 13,000 volumes and 65 periodicals. The private library Conrad Schicks and the former library of the Prussian and German consulates in Jerusalem ( form an important basic structure.

      Gustaf Dalman's slide collection : A large part of Dalman's photo collection is now in the Gustaf Dalman Institute in Greifswald. But the German Evangelical Institute for Ancient Studies of the Holy Land (DEI) in Jerusalem is also in possession of several hundred photos of the first head of the institute. Special attention should be paid to 120 glass projection pictures (slides on glass plates), which were probably taken at the beginning of the 20th century. They were painstakingly coloured by hand, giving the viewer the unique opportunity to admire the Holy Land in colour after the turn of the century (

      Strumenti di ricerca, guide e pubblicazioni

      Area delle informazioni relative alle condizioni d'accesso

      Orari di apertura

      Mondays to Thursdays from 9:00 to 16:00 and Fridays from 9:00 to 13:00.

      Condizioni e requisiti per l'accesso

      An appointment is needed.

      Since the library is a pure reference library, unfortunately no copies can be borrowed. However, there is a copy facility as well as power and network connections for laptops.


      Area dei servizi

      Servizi di ricerca

      Servizi di riproduzione

      Aree pubbliche

      Area del controllo

      Codice identificativo della descrizione

      Codice identificativo dell'istitituto conservatore

      Norme e convenzioni utilizzate


      Livello di completezza

      Date di creazione, revisione, cancellazione

      January 2017; November 2018



          Note di manutenzione

          Author: Open Jerusalem

          Punti di accesso

          Punti di accesso