حقل المعرف الفريد
الرمز المرجعي
التاريخ (التواريخ)
- [1951-2007] (Creation)
مستوى الوصف
مدى ونوع المادة الموصوفة
Total volume unknown.
2 items selected for the Archival City project (including 1 with 2 parts detailed).
حقل السياق
مسمى المنشئ
التاريخ الإداري
During the Roman period, the present site of Algiers was occupied by the city of Icosium (seat of a bishopric) which depended on the province of Mauritania Caesarea whose capital was Cherchell. During the Ottoman period, the Lazarist Fathers successively occupied the office of vicar apostolic from 1650 to 1827, ensuring the service of the Christians, the prisons, the merchants and the consuls.
The Church regained a diocesan structure in 1838 with the creation of the bishopric of Algiers which covered all of Algeria until 1866, when it became an archdiocese with the creation of the two other dioceses of the North. After Monseigneur Dupuch (1846-1866) who was the interlocutor of the Emir Abdelkader, and Monseigneur Pavy (1846-1866) the builder of the Notre Dame d'Afrique basilica, Cardinal Lavigerie directed the diocese of Algiers from 1866 to 1892. Upon his arrival (1868) he founded the White Fathers and the White Sisters (1869).
The Diocese of Algiers currently includes fifty priests and religious, seventy-five nuns and a few thousand Christians with Mgr. Paul Desfarges, of French-Algerian nationality as Archbishop since 24 December 2016.
The diocese of Algiers includes the regions of Algiers, Medea and the eastern part of the Cheliff Valley, as well as the Greater Kabylie.
التاريخ الأرشيفي
المصدر المباشر للاقتناء أو النقل
حقل المحتوى والبنية
النطاق والمحتوى
The Archival City project does not know the composition of the whole fonds and its tree structure.
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
شروط الوصول والاستخدام
الشروط التي تحكم الوصول والاتاحة
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
Script of material
Language and script notes
الخصائص المادية والمتطلبات الفنية
Finding aids
المواد ذات العلاقة
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
حقل الملاحظات
المعرف (المعرفات) البديلة
نقاط الاتاحة
نقاط الوصول الموضوعية
مداخل الوصول (أماكن)
اسم نقاط الوصول
نمط نقاط الوصول
حقل ضبط التسجيلة الوصفية
المعرف القياسي للوصف
معرف المؤسسة
Rules and/or conventions used
ISAD(G), second edition, Ottawa 2000.
Available online : https://www.ica.org/en/isadg-general-international-standard-archival-description-second-edition
For dates : ISO 8601, 2nd edition, 2000.
حالة الوصف
Dates of creation revision deletion
Entry prepared and entered on 2022-01-20.
اللغة (اللغات)
الملفات النصية
Archivist's note
Entry prepared and entered by Archival City.