عرض نتائج٪ 1٪

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معاينة الطباعة معاينة:

8931 النتائج مع الكائنات الرقمية إظهار النتائج مع الكائنات الرقمية

Need of a register indicating the amount of deaths in the hospitals (every month), 22 May 1900 (Gregorian calendar) - 9 Mayîs 1316 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

It has been notified a few times to the relevant consulates, to the Greek Patriarchate and to the Chief Rabbinate that a register must be delivered at the end of every month to indicate the amount of deaths occurring in the hospitals within and outside the kaza. Although the matter was notified again by the mutasarrifate via a letter dated 20 January 1900, no register has been yet delivered apart from the hospitals belonging to the French and Russian consulates. In the letter given by the municipal doctor, it has been stated that the delay in drawing up the said register also causes a delay in drawing up the statistics requested by the Ministry of Internal Affairs about death cases. Hence, as regards the outright delivery of two registers from March of 1316 (1900) up to now and the regular delivery of a register at the end of every month, it is appropriate to notify the above-mentioned consulates, the Patriarchate and the Chief Rabbinate. The 9th of Mayîs (1)316 (22nd of May 1900).
[5 signatures]

Council decision to rent out room, 23 May 1900 (Gregorian calendar) - 10 Mayîs 1316 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

تنسب مجلسيا بتأجير الغرفة العائدة للدائرة البلدية الى رئيس الصلاحية لمدة سنة اعتبارا من ابتداء محرم 316 بأجرة اربعة ليرات فرنساوي دفعت للصندوق بوجه السلف . وبيانا لذلك صار اعطاء هذا القرار في 10 مايس 316 .
_____ \ رباح بكر نصري مصطفى

Public bid for army supplies, 23 May 1900 (Gregorian calendar) - 10 Mayîs 1316 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

يعلن بان الارزاق المقتضية الى العساكر في الكرك مطروحة لموقع المناقصة لمدة اثني عشر شهر وتقرر اجراء الاحالة القطعية في اليوم الخامس عشر من شهر حزيران 316 . فكل من له رغبة يلزم ان يراجع الدائرة البلدية ولاجل ان يكون معلوما صار نشر الكيفية في 10 مايس 316 .
_____ \ رباح نصري مصطفى

Lease renewal for house owned by municipality near Jaffa Gate, 28 May 1900 (Gregorian calendar) - 15 Mayîs 1316 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

بناءا على انتهاء مدة اجار الدار العائدة للبلدية الكائنة داخل باب الخليل سكن يوسف جريس الكريماتي أقتضى تكليف المذكور بتجديد الايجار او عدمه . وحيث تبين من المضبطة المؤرخة في 25 شباط 313 المعطى من الدائرة البلدية بذلك الوقت والمحفوظة بيد المذكور بأن الغرفتين مع الايوان الخشب الموجودة بالدار المذكورة عملت من طرف المستأجر المذكور ويحق له أخذها. فاقتضى أجراء الكشف عليها من طرف أحدنا مكرمتلو رباح افندي الداودي والمهندس رفعتلو ابراهيم افندي فوجدوا تساوي مبلغ واحد وعشرين ليرا ونصف فرنساوي . واذا رفعت يحصل خراب للمحل ومن الضروري عمل خلافها ونقبض لذلك مصارفان مضاعفا . بناءا عليه رؤى ان ابقائها بالمبلغ المذكور أولى ولدى جلب المذكور والاخذ والرد حصل الاتفاق على الوجه المحرر بشرط ان يدفع ايضا لصندوق المجلس عشر ليرات ويتجدد له الايجار عن 316 بحسب البدل السابق اعني بواحد وثلاثين ليرا ونصف بحيث بعد مرور السنة المذكورة تكون هذه المحلات عائدة للمجلس . فلاجل أخذ منه وصل بمبلغ الواحد وعشرين ليرا ونصف وقدرها بالمصارفات وعقد له الاجار . على هذا الوجه صار اعطاء هذا القرار في 15 مارس 316 . لدى أجراء الكشف على الاخشاب المذكورة وجدت تساوي واحد وعشرين ليرا ونصف فرنساوي 15 مايس 316 . __ نصري

Nomination of administrator and engineers to supervise renovation of elders' council department, pharmacy and clinic, 28 May 1900 (Gregorian calendar) - 15 Mayîs 1316 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

تنسب مجلسيا بتعيين احدنا مكرمتلو الحاج بكر افندي مع المهندسين اجراء التعميرات المقتضية للدائرة الجديدة التي تخصصت بالحكومة السنية لاقامة هيئة عجزنا والاجزخانة والطبيب وهو محل العدلية القديم فلاجل صرف ما يلزم لذلك النية من صندوق المجلس والمباشر بالعملية صار اعطاء هذا القرار في 15 مايس 316
رباح بكر مصطفى

Upon a letter regarding the removal of sewages constructed over a water channel, 30 May 1900 (Gregorian calendar) - 17 Mayîs 1316 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

Upon the letter, dated 16 May 1900 and numbered 9, by the Wagfs’ Accounting regarding the removal of sewages constructed over the water channel flowing from the Magaribi neighborhood and the place named Cevretü’l-gâbî
The sewage located in the said Magaribi neighborhood has been inspected, leading us to the conclusion that they are not the sewages of Jewish households, but part of the general sewage. It has thus been removed from over the said water channel, reparation expenditures to be financed by the municipal fund estimated and necessary work initiated. The owners of the Jewish company outside the city have been warned so as to demolish the current sewage adjacent to the water channel, and to change its course. The 17th of Mayîs (1)316 (30th of May 1900).
[4 signatures]

Upon a letter by the Kaymakamlik of Jaffa regarding the multazim of macadam taxes, 12 June 1900 (Gregorian calendar) - 30 Mayîs 1316 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

Upon the letter, dated 5 June 1900 and numbered 134, by the Kaymakamlık of Jaffa regarding the multazim of macadam taxes
The multazim of macadam taxes has been summoned and notified about the content of this letter; in response, he has stated that he did not act in violation of the certification in his hands, that he did not disturb anyone and that the applicants’ complaints were based only on the concern of evading the payment of the toll tax that they are obliged to pay. Nevertheless, he has been severely warned. If it is understood that he or his mean act in violation of the certification in his hands, it would appropriate to notify in reply that legal action shall naturally be taken against relevant ones, and it is also appropriate to make a copy of the certification, which has been given to the multazim and one copy of which must be in the Jaffa Municipality, and send it together with its attachment hereby presented. The 30th of Mayîs (1)316 (12th of June 1900).
[5 signatures]

Payment issue regarding city watch and cleaning, 19 June 1900 (Gregorian calendar) - 6 Huzayrân 1316 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi)

As for the fund for household and shop owners in exchange for a part of the cleaning and city watch expenditures in 1315 (1898-1899), the persons mentioned in the two bills hereby presented have a due debt of 1,459 piasters. Although the said sum has been repeatedly demanded from the household and shop owners, it has been paid yet. Hence, as regards collecting this money and arresting the evaders in accordance with the 40. article of the Municipal Regulation, it is appropriate to relegate the matter to the Municipal Police Force. The 6th of Huzayrân (1)316 (19th of June 1900).

النتائج٪ 1٪ إلى٪ 2٪ من٪ 3٪