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Private collection of Ali Fuat Türkgeldi

  • Fondo
  • 1670-01-01-1961-12-31

This catalogue consists in the private collection of Ali Fuat Türkgeldi, who worked at different state offices such as Interior Chief Secretary of Ministry of Interior the Councillor of Ministry of Interior and the Imperial Council Directory Office of Finance and Public Works (Şura-yı Devlet Maliye ve Nafia Dairesi Başkanlığı) since 1907.
The fonds includes 3.167 documents, 19 notebooks, 60 paintings and an album.
The starting and ending Hijri dates for this collection are: 1080-1380.

Ali Fuat Türkgeldi (AFT)

Registers of Jerusalem Municipality Council during the Ottoman period

  • JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters
  • Fondo
  • 1892-01-01-1917-12-31

This inventory includes the transcription (into Arabic and Turkish) and translation into English of the 18 volumes of reports (55% in Ottoman Turkish, 45% in Arabic) from the Ottoman municipality of Jerusalem between 1892 and 1917.

Jerusalem Municipality (IY)

Priory of St. Stephen of Jerusalem, Archives of the Fathers

  • Fondo
  • 1894-2005

This fonds contains the archives of the Dominican Fathers who were members of the convent of Saint-Etienne and died there. Their archives were then transferred to the conventual archives. We therefore find a certain number of collections, classified by Father, grouping together scientific archives - preparation of courses, publications - and personal archives. The fonds is of a private nature.

French biblical and archaeological School (EBAF)

Archives of the Monastery of St. Clare of Jerusalem

  • Fondo
  • 1884-2016

It should be noted that the Poor Clares are a cloistered and not an apostolic order, so the monastery's interactions with the world are limited. The community has never maintained a school or dispensary: the monastery's archives reflect this life of enclosure.

Poor Clares of Jerusalem (PCJ)

Arabic documents related to Ottoman Jerusalem. (“al-Quds”)

  • BG-NBKM/F283AR
  • Fondo
  • 1647-07-11-1874-02-15

Since the documents were sent from Istanbul and mostly from the former Ottoman ministry of finances’s depositories, they mainly deal with financial issues and are related to all the former Ottoman provinces ( the Balkans, Anatolia, the Arabian Peninsula, and North Africa).

The preface of 1984 Sofia’s catalogue explains the way the archival units are described:
[p. 30] From the point of view of diplomatics, the archives in Arabic and Ottoman-Turkish offer mainly the same documents: maktub, daftar, mahdar, sanad, etc. [...].
[p. 31] The elements of the description of each document are defined first of all by the characteristics of the material itself and by the ideas already expressed, concerning the importance of this archive which appears to be a solid basis for the study of important aspects of the economic, political, cultural and religious life of the people of North Africa, the Near and the Middle East, the Caucasus, etc. in the age of the Ottoman-Turkish feudalism. The experience of Bulgarian archivists, who have published archives in Bulgarian and foreign languages, preserved in the National Library and other institutions in the country has been taken into consideration.
In general every description of a document consists of two parts. Part I includes the following elements: date, place of issue, type and number of documents, author, addressee, a brief content and supplementary notes on it.
The date of issue or writing of the document is given first according to the Christian calendar and thereafter the Moslem (i.e. as it is given in the original). When one description contains several documents of different dates, we indicate the earliest and the latest with a dash (-) between the two. Thus we show the whole period covered by the documents [...]. In cases when there is no date on the document, or there are only fragments of the document whose date was eventually on the missing part we proceed as follows:

  • if possible we date the document according to the historical event described in it [...].
  • when the documents mention Turkish sultans or Grand wazirs, the date is given according to their rule. In cases when names of other well-known people in the political history of the Arab countries are mentioned and whose biographical data cannot be defined, we date the document according to their activity reflected in
    it. If such a document bears also a stamp with a date, we record it at the end thus confirming our considerations when dating it.
  • in the cases when we date the documents only according to the Moslem date recorded on the seal of the document, we give only the initial date of the corresponding Christian year, which means that the document has not been written before that date.
    Provided there is no way to date a document, because we cannot make use of any of the above-mentioned possibilities, we resort to paleographic data (paper, watermark, script, ink, handwriting). In such cases we denote the century only and when it is possible to be more concrete, supplement it with phrases like "the
    beginning", "the end", "the first half", etc. [...].

The place of issue of the document shows the settlement in which it has been written or prepared and is given immediately after the date. When the name of the town is missing in the document but we can still define it by logical considerations we write it down in square brackets. When there is no possibility to define the place of issue we use the abbreviation "s.l." (sine loco).

The type of document (daftar, maktub, raftiyya, kasf, etc.) is not always mentioned in the text itself (or above it). In such case we define it on the basis of some principles in the Ottoman-Turkish diplomatics. When the description includes several documents of the same kind, the figure in brackets after the name
of the document shows their number [...]. When the archive unit contains documents of another type also, in some cases for clarity we mark down in brackets which consecutive leaf is the described document.

The author is the person or the authority that has issued the document. In most cases it comes from the same settlement in which the document has been prepared. For that reason the settlement is not mentioned again after his name and office. The name of the author is given in square brackets when it is missing in the document and it has been identified indirectly.

The addressee is the person or the institution to whom the document is addressed and the settlement where he is to be found. This element is not present in all descriptions, since in most cases it is difficult to be established. All additionally fixed data are placed also in square brackets.

The content of the document is the most important part of the description. Our ambition is to render it fully as much as possible and to give in concise form that information in the document which will be made use in further studies. The annotations points out first of all the event and the persons taking part in it, their position and titles, also the names of settlements, gamis, mazra'as, muqata'as, or it is mentioned whether the document contains such information.It is mentioned also whether the archive unit includes documents in Ottoman-Turkish and if so their content is also reflected in the annotation.

The supplementary notes can be of various kind, but the most common are the additional entries. These are the legalizations, notes, decisions, resolutions, accounts, etc., made on the top or in the margins of the main text by the financial authorities, predominantly in Ottoman Turkish. Moreover, in the earlier documents they are in “siyaqat”, “diwani” or in “inge diwani”. In order to avoid repetition, these details were not included in the description.

When the annotated document is “hugga zahriyya” (“hügget-i zahriyye”) we mention also the type of the document (original or copy in Ottoman-Turkish) given at the back. If the document was prepared by a person other than the one that had issued the “hugga zahriyya”, we mention his name and position as well [...].
Part II of the description of the documents is concerned with their paleographic characteristics. It includes the following elements: number and size of leaves, paper, condition of the document and text in respect to their preservation, watermark, ink, script, seals and reasons for dating.

Ministry of Finance of the Ottoman Empire (ML)

Gerusalemme, Agonia di nostro Signore Gesù Cristo nel Getsemani

  • JM-ASCTS/CR/Agonia
  • Fondo
  • 1900-01-01-2000-09-27

Ai piedi del Monte degli Ulivi, già l’imperatore Teodosio aveva edificato una chiesa in memoria dell’agonia di Cristo, nel luogo in cui egli pianse «et factus est sudor eius sicut guttae sanguinis decurrentis in terram» (1). Distrutta dopo la fine del potere bizantino e successivamente riedificata dai Crociati, della chiesa non rimasero che sparute tracce. La Custodia di Terra Santa acquistò il luogo nel 1681, ponendo particolare cura alla salvaguardia dell’Orto degli Ulivi, ripetutamente minacciato. Nel 1847 l’orto venne cinto da un muro di protezione e da quel momento il luogo, divenuto più sicuro, fu particolarmente curato. Nel 1872 vi si eressero le quattordici stazioni della Via Crucis. Nel frattempo era già stata costruita una modesta abitazione per i religiosi che si prendevano cura del giardino e nel 1911 vi si stabilì formalmente un ospizio; a seguito di ciò, negli anni 1919-1924, la Custodia di Terra Santa edificò l’attuale santuario (2), progettato dall’architetto Antonio Barluzzi (3). Il 18 aprile del 1924 il pontefice Pio XI incaricò il cardinale Oreste Giorgi, protettore dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori, della consacrazione della nuova chiesa del Getsemani e di quella del Monte Tabor (4). Nonostante si tratti di una fondazione recente, l’archivio conventuale è piuttosto consistente e mostra alcune peculiarità di rilievo. Segnaliamo, anzitutto, le corpose serie relative alla fabbrica del santuario e del convento, ma anche la documentazione relativa alla Confraternita dell’Ora Santa ed i molti registri dei pellegrini, tipici, questi ultimi, di tutti i principali santuari della Terra Santa.

1 Lc 22,44.
2 Cf. DTS, V, pp. 33-35, in cui sono regestati i principali documenti custodiali relativi al Getsemani. Si vedano inoltre Orfali e Status descriptivus 1933, pp. 43-44.
3 Lo stesso architetto descrive l’opera realizzata in Barluzzi, pp. 99-102.
4 La relativa pergamena è conservata in ASCTS, CC, Diplomatico, 134.

Struttura dei fondi : Global extent: 56 files; 1900-01-01-2000-09-27
Serie A, Verbali del Discretorio – Capitolo conventuale. Global extent: 1 file; 1957-02-01-1981-02-03
Serie B, Fabbrica. Global extent: 13 files; 1919-12-24-1924-07-22
B-I, Quietanze e note contabili. Global extent: 5 files; 1920-01-24-1924-07-18
B-II, Ruoli degli stipendi degli operai. Minute. Global extent: 3 files; 1920-09-06-1924-07-12
B-III, Ruoli degli stipendi degli operai. Global extent: 4 files; 1920-10-31-1924-03-22
B-IV, Uscite. Global extent: 1 file; 1919-12-24-1924-07-22
Serie C, Entrate e uscite. Global extent: 3 files; 1973-01-01-1991-12-31
Serie D, Sante messe. Global extent: 9 files; 1924-08-07-1992-07-08
D-I, Messe pro gratia. Global extent: 2 files; 1924-09-26-1944-06-23
D-II, Messe pro benefactoribus. Global extent: 4 files; 1924-08-07-1981-02-26
D-III, Messe pro eleemosyna. Global extent: 3 files; 1977-02-01-1992-07-08
Serie E, Confraternita dell’Ora Santa. Global extent: 9 files; 1933-04-06-1992-12-03
E-I, Iscritti e turni di adorazione. Global extent: 8 files; 1933-04-06-1956-11-15
E-II, Messe. Global extent: 1 file; 1933-04-06-1992-12-03
Serie F, Cronache e memorie. Global extent: 21 files; 1900-01-01-2000-09-27
F-I, Memorie diverse. Global extent: 2 files; [Inizi sec. XX]-[Metà sec. XX]
F-II, Registri dei pellegrini sacerdoti presso la Grotta dell’Agonia. Global extent: 5 files; 1958-06-17-1997-08-31
F-III, Registri dei pellegrini sacerdoti. Global extent: 10 files; 1925-09-10-2000-09-27
F-IV, Registri dei pellegrini. Global extent: 2 files; 1910-03-19-1923-06-09
F-V, Cronache. Global extent: 2 files; 1945-01-10-1980-06-12

Custody of the Holy Land (CTS)

Gerusalemme San Francesco Ad San Cenaculum

  • JM-ASCTS/CR/Cenacolo
  • Fondo
  • 1926-02-01-2000-09-03

I Frati Minori si insediarono presso il Santo Cenacolo, sul Monte Sion, sin dall’origine della loro presenza in Terra Santa. Nel Trecento, la Custodia vi collocò la propria Curia, che vi rimase fino al 1551, quando il luogo venne occupato dai Turchi, che obbligarono i frati ad abbandonarlo definitivamente. Il Monte Sion ed il luogo del Cenacolo, pertanto, hanno sempre rappresentato un luogo particolarmente significativo per i religiosi della Custodia di Terra Santa, i quali, nell’impossibilità di acquisire i luoghi originari, nel 1936 acquistarono nelle immediate vicinanze un’abitazione che trasformarono ben presto in un piccolo ospizio con annessa chiesa (1). Poco dopo i frati vi costituirono una piccola comunità religiosa, che però dovette fuggire la notte del 30 maggio 1948, a causa della guerra arabo-israeliana. La collocazione dell’ospizio sulla linea di fuoco dei contrapposti eserciti israeliano e giordano impedì il rientro dei frati fino al 5 giugno 1960 (2). L’archivio è nel suo insieme piuttosto esiguo, come è normale, in fondo, se si tiene conto della cronologia e delle vicissitudini della casa religiosa. Il materiale documentario è in massima parte successivo al 1960; si segnalano, in particolare, un cospicuo numero di registri dei pellegrini e svariati documenti di carattere memorialistico, a volte realizzati all’esterno dell’ospizio ma successivamente acquisiti dall’archivio della casa religiosa.

1 Cf. Status descriptivus 1951, p. 27.
2 Brlek M., p. 24 (che però, forse per un refuso, data il rientro al 5 giugno 1961).

Struttura dei fondi: global extent: 21 files; 1926 feb. - 2000 set. 3
Serie A, Capitoli conventuali. Global extent: 1 file; 1986 ago. 18 - 1993 feb. 8
Serie B, Carteggio. Global extent: 1 file; 1980 dic. 21 - 1993 dic. 9
Serie C, Sante messe. Global extent: 2 files; 1936 apr. 23- 1971 gen. 5
Serie D, Cronache e memorie. Global extent: 17 files; 1926 feb. - 2000 set. 3
D-I, Memorie diverse. Global extent: 5 files; 1948 mag. 17- 1962 giu. 14
D-II, Registri dei pellegrini sacerdoti. Global extent: 7 files; 1971 gen. 9-2000 set. 3
D-III, Registri dei pellegrini. Global extent: 1 file; 1926 feb. - [metà sec. XX]
D-IV, Cronache. Global extent: 4 files; 1960 giu. 5 - 1997 dic.

Custody of the Holy Land (CTS)

Record group of the Municipal Archives of Jerusalem during the British Mandate

  • JM-AIY/B832-854
  • Fondo
  • 1912-01-01-1950-05-31

This record group is supposed to be the documents created by the service of the town clerk during the British Mandate. However, most of the documents have been created between the end of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1950s. The gap into the records for the first years of the Mandate remains unexplained.
This record group mainly consists of correspondence and reports which show the organisation of the Municipality. Moreover, a section of this record group deals with the security of the City during the 1930s and 1940s.

Jerusalem Municipality (IY)

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