عرض نتائج٪ 1٪

Archival description
JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol3 · Series · 1899-03-06-1899-07-22
جزء من Registers of Jerusalem Municipality Council during the Ottoman period

Includes Item 1 to 360, pg. 1a-54b, in Ottoman, Arabic. The volume is divided into one part dated 17 November 1894 to 27 April 1895, and an other part dated 6 March 1899 to 22 July 1899. Item n°344 is missing.

JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol14 · Series · 1908-12-28-1909-06-16
جزء من Registers of Jerusalem Municipality Council during the Ottoman period

Includes Item 1 to 214, pg. 1b-41a, in Ottoman, Arabic. Includes 3 items (n°81, 82 and 83) dated July 25, 1899. Also includes an item numbered 91bis between items 91 and 92.