عرض نتائج٪ 1٪

Archival description
Jerusalem City Archives (AIY)
معاينة الطباعة معاينة:

335 النتائج مع الكائنات الرقمية إظهار النتائج مع الكائنات الرقمية

قرار بشان تعمير دار الاوقاف الكائنة بمحلة الشرف

Public bid attribution: The costs of the said reparation have been put to Dutch auction and in accordance with the Dutch auction bill enclosed herewith, it is appropriate that it be provided by Miha’il Al Zinabinri (?) through the guarantee of Mina Bilbil (?) at a rate of 1,100 kurusuh as respected current akçe. The 10th of Aylûl (1)310 (22nd of September 1894).
[2 signatures]

قرار بشأن تعمير وتعزيل خان السلطان

The requested reparation was opened to Dutch auction and necessary incentives given. After the completion of bidding, in accordance with the survey and underbidding letters presented herewith, it was decided that the reparation work be submitted to Dervish Al-Said Muhammed through the guarantee of Seyyid Muhammed Semz (?) at a rate of 1,200 piasters as respected current akçe. The 9th of Mayîs (1)308 (21st of May 1892).
[4 signatures]

قرار بخصوص تعمير المسجد الأقصى وجامع المغاربة

Public bid details: The reparation cost of the said holy locales was opened to Dutch auction. In accordance with the herewith presented survey and Dutch auction documents, after the completion of bidding, it was determined that the reparation cost of the masjid was 2, 280 piasters as respected current akçe and the reparation cost of the mosques is 1, 200 piasters. It was decided that the reparation work be submitted at this rate to Al-Hac Hamid Al-Benna (?) through the guarantee of Al-Hac Mehmed Taltumi (?).The 12th of Tishrîn Thânî (1)310 (24th of November 1894).
[4 signatures]

على موجب الكشف الحاصل البالغ مقداره كذا للافراد؛ عمله صاغ الميري 1720 غرش بخصوص مناقصة أجرة البوسته

Posta nakli ücretine dair
Ücret-i nakliye-i mezkûre gönderilen şerâite tevfiken münakasaya tarh edilerek ba’d keffü’l-rağbat matviyyen takdim kılınan münakasa pusulası mûcibince sağ akçe hesâbıyla 430 guruş bedel ve Ali Şerif kefâletiyle Mahmud Şerif uhdesinde takarrür etmiş ve geçen sene bedel-i ücret-i nakliyesinden sebeb-i ziyâdesi mültezim-i sabık posta naklinden aciz kalup haylice ziyâna dûçâr eylemesinden ileri geldiğini ve bu senede istim’âl edilecek araba daha muntazam ve lâyık olacağı meşrût bulunmuş olduğundan muâmele-i mükteziyenin ifâsı zımmında meclis-i idâre-i livâya emr ü havâlesi babında. Fi 17 Mayıs sene 311 (29th of May 1895).

على مضبطة بلدية بيت لحم بخصوص أخذ رسوم الى مصارفات لغم وقالديرم القصبة المذكورة

On the Bethlehem Municipality's report concerning the taxes pertaining to sewage and pavement expenses: On the Bethlehem Municipality's report concerning the taxes pertaining to sewage and pavement expenses
It is understood that the taxation of vegetables would cause extra burden on the poor folk and cause harm, so it has been decided that the poor folk should not be taxed and that it would be sufficient enough to tax the rest of the tradesmen half the amount that is collected in Jerusalem. In other words, concerning the provisions, 60 coins from each camel, 30 coins from each horse and mule, and 15 coins from each donkey should be charged; concerning the goods that are weighed on public scales, 1 piasters from each camel, 20 coins from each mule and horse, and 10 coins from each donkey should be charged; concerning the coal and wood, 20 coins from each camel, 10 coins from each mule and horse, and 5 coins from each donkey should be charged. If the above-mentioned rates are observed, they should cover the 15 years of construction expenses. If this matter is deliberated in the council and approved, then it is appropriate to refer it to the Sanjak Administrative Council. The 24th of Huzayrân (1)313 (6th of July 1895).
[7 signatures]

على مذكرة محاسبة الأوقاف

Matlûb hasırların esmânı meydan-ı münaksaya tarh olunarak teşvikât ve tergibât-ı âleniye-i müessire icrâ olunarak ve talip bulunanlar keff-i yedd eyledikten sonra merbûten yakdim kılınan münakasa pusulası mûcibince geçer akçe olarak beher İstanbul arşını 2 guruş 10 para bedel ve Hacı Yusuf Cararban (?) kefâletiyle Davud Hüseyin Raman uhdesinde takarrar etmiş olmağla ol babda. Fi 27 Nisan sene 314.

النتائج٪ 1٪ إلى٪ 2٪ من٪ 3٪