عرض نتائج٪ 1٪

Archival description
Record from vicar of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem Daniel Hakobyan to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Record from vicar of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem Daniel Hakobyan to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Letter from Sargis Achemyan, the surrogate of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Letter from Sargis Achemyan, the surrogate of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Letter from Sargis Achemyan, the surrogate of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Letter from Sargis Achemyan, the surrogate of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Letter from Sargis Achemyan, the surrogate of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Letter from Sargis Achemyan, the surrogate of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Letter from Sargis Achemyan, the surrogate of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Letter from Sargis Achemyan, the surrogate of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to to the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia Movses Voskerchyan.
Letter from Malachia Ormanyan, the authorized delegate of St. James brotherhood, to Movses Voskerchyan, the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia.
Letter from Malachia Ormanyan, the authorized delegate of St. James brotherhood, to Movses Voskerchyan, the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia.
Letter from Malachia Ormanyan, the authorized delegate of St. James brotherhood, to Movses Voskerchyan, the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia.
Letter from Malachia Ormanyan, the authorized delegate of St. James brotherhood, to Movses Voskerchyan, the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia.
Letter from Malachia Ormanyan, the authorized delegate of St. James brotherhood, to Movses Voskerchyan, the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia.
Letter from Malachia Ormanyan, the authorized delegate of St. James brotherhood, to Movses Voskerchyan, the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia.
Letter from the chair of the administrative body of St. James Brotherhood bishop Yegishe Chilinkirian to Movses Voskerchyan, the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia.
Letter from the chair of the administrative body of St. James Brotherhood bishop Yegishe Chilinkirian to Movses Voskerchyan, the principal of the Armenian churches of Latakia.
Letter from bishop Yegishe Chilinkirian, chair of the administrative body of St. James Brotherhood, to Movses Voskerchyan, principal of Latakia's Armenian churches
Letter from bishop Yegishe Chilinkirian, chair of the administrative body of St. James Brotherhood, to Movses Voskerchyan, principal of Latakia's Armenian churches