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Archival description
Ali Ekrem Bolayır
JM-ISA/AEB/83 · Fonds · 1870-04-05-1918-08-20
Ali Ekrem Bolayır (AEB)
Ali Fuat Türkgeldi Evrakı
TR-BOA/HSD-AFT · Fonds · 1670-01-01-1961-12-31

This catalogue consists in the private collection of Ali Fuat Türkgeldi, who worked at different state offices such as Interior Chief Secretary of Ministry of Interior the Councillor of Ministry of Interior and the Imperial Council Directory Office of Finance and Public Works (Şura-yı Devlet Maliye ve Nafia Dairesi Başkanlığı) since 1907.
The fonds includes 3.167 documents, 19 notebooks, 60 paintings and an album.
The starting and ending Hijri dates for this collection are: 1080-1380.

Ali Fuat Türkgeldi (AFT)
Bâb-ı Âli Evrak Odası
TR-BOA/BEO · Fonds · 1892-01-01-1922-12-31

The Documentary Office of the Sublime Porte (Bab-ı Ali Evrak Odası) is the institution that arranged the flow of documents in the Sublime Porte (Bab-ı Ali) after the Tanzimat. Accordingly, any document that was dealt with by the Sublime Porte is filed into this fonds.

Sublime Porte of the Ottoman Empire (BA)
Dahiliye Nezâreti
TR-BOA/DH · Fonds · 1820-01-01-1924-12-31
Ministry of Interior of the Ottoman Empire (DH)
Hariciye Nezâreti
TR-BOA/HR · Fonds · 1831-01-01-1929-12-31

To be completed.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ottoman Empire (HN)
TR-BOA/HH-THR · Fonds · 1849-01-01-1923-12-31

As the Correspondence Office of Imperial Treasury is a unit that acts as the secretary of the ministry, this fonds includes official letters written by the ministry to the state offices in İstanbul and in the country.
The starting and ending Hijri dates for this fonds are: 1266-1342.

Imperial Treasury of the Ottoman Empire (HHNTK)
TR-BOA/İE · Fonds · 1527-01-01-1870-12-31

To be completed.

İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal (İE)
TR-BOA/İ · Fonds · 1802-01-01-1922-12-31

The Imperial Rescript means the order of the sultan. Formerly, the term “the Firmans” was used for the orders of the sultan. From 1832 on, the writing that was offered in response to the “letters” presented to the clerk of the sultan and that meant the approval of the sultan was called ‘irade’. The Imperial Rescripts in file procedure were grouped according to the issues and subjects in them, not according to the ministries and offices to which they belonged.

Imperial Rescript of the Ottoman Empire (Î)
PS-IRHRI/Waqf · Fonds · 1842-01-01-1967-12-31

In the Waqf Inheritance section, the number of documents approaches a million and a half; as well there are 2,500 manuscripts covering various subjects, including religion, philosophy, Arabic language, history and so on. Among them, the Open Jerusalem team selected a body of 41 files (totalizing 668 pages) issued by the Jerusalem Awqâf administration and related to Moghrabi neighborhood in Jerusalem.
Note : the spelling is “Mograbi” from Arabic to English, and “Maghariba” from Ottoman Turkish to English.

Jerusalem Awqâf Administration (KEAM)
TR-BOA/MF-MKT · Fonds · 1872-01-01-1923-12-31

This fonds includes documents from the Correspondence Office doing all the correspondences of the Ministry of Education with other ministries or provinces since its foundation.
The starting and ending Hijri dates for this fonds are: 1289-1341.

Ministry of Education of the Ottoman Empire (MN)