Part of Archive of Kingdom of Sardinia, Consulate of Palestine (1843-1849) then Kingdom of Italy, Consulate in Palestine then Consulate general of Italy in Jerusalem (1872-1943)
Circulars and correspondence. 53 dossiers:
- Natta Soleri
- Maestro Arturo Toscanini
- Giuseppe De Martini
- Benucci Enrico
- Zambini Bruno
- Giuseppe Bresciani
- Giovanni Perlot
- Arnaldo Attias
- Igino Gibelli
- Carlo Fabbroni
- Giovanni Maria San Severo
- Cesare Colombo
- Ettore Vacca
- Leo Levi
- Gastone Mustachi
- Mario D'Amato Cantorio
- Sion Segre
- Giacomo Juraga
- Mario Pasinovich and Maria Giovanna Ferro, husband and wife
- Elena Sengal
- Umberto Frescura
- Giacomo Costa
- Mario Magni
- Romano Paganini
- Stefano Papolla
- Giovanni Oreste Ricci
27 Giovanni Mazzoni - Tullio Tulli
- Giovanni Ventura
- Orlando Montagnoli
- Ambrogio Airoldi
- De Siena Giovanni Battista
- Berti Ugo
- Luciano Zannonni
- Niccolò Calogero
- Principe Rospigliosi
- Giovanni Conte
- Cargnel Giuseppe
- Mario Rietti
- Ernesto Borgognoni
- Giovanni Borota
- Emilio Sereni
- Ercole Zucchino e Guglielmo Valle
- Ettore Vidali
- Francesco Zappia
- Nicola Chinati
- Valentino Morsati
- Ascoli Bruno
- Giuseppe Bruzzoni
- Francesco Zanardi
- Giuseppe Koren
- Eligio Pini
Without number: Rodhos Cristoforo.
Part of Archive of Kingdom of Sardinia, Consulate of Palestine (1843-1849) then Kingdom of Italy, Consulate in Palestine then Consulate general of Italy in Jerusalem (1872-1943)
General section: Circular and correspondence
With 121 dossiers containing notes, information, confidential correspondence, photographs.
File number 96 is missing.
- Scholamit Frieda Flaum
- Barlas Chaim
- Julius Stern
- Leon de Robillard and Herald Andrée, expelled from Oriental Africa. Interdicted issue of visa to Oriental Africa and Lybia
- De Luca Mosé
- Lederer Zwi (Franz)
- Sudditi polacchi Lichtgarn Adolfo Gugliemo and his wife Schiz Berta
- Aboutboul Max, born in Haifa in 1912
- Mrs Pio Calil Anna, supposed British agent
- Car Eric Siegmund
- Sali Aimovich - Student
- Mss Cohen Carlan Renée
- Suleiman el Amin (Abyssinian) - Supposed conspiracy against S.M. the King and Benito Mussolini
- Sher Daniel
- Brenner Jacob
- Toch Berta
- Levi Jacques di Salomon
- Monsignor Sfair, Padre Coussa (or Kusa)
- Klinglail Mosé
- Klahr Samuel; Herszberg Wols; Hebeuskeil Wiktor; Berck Zegmur
- Schifrin (Nachman)
- Gardiner Arthur and consul
- Haim Negby
- J. A. Lattrash
- Bensimon Lipara and Cobe Joseph
- Schriewer Otto, alias Otto Espac
- Buden Joseph
- Schulz Paolo
- Ganz Eva
- Jofenze Wigelmina or Wilchemina
- Niemetz Fritz; Hes Joseph; Nenec Vaclav
- Kudratiff and Kalimin (supposed accomplices in the kidnapping of General Miller)
- Mohammed Al Idrisi
- Lisinski Longin and Khenson Feige
- Buchalter Moshe
- Garnham Walter, Harris Albert, British aviators
- Harries Douglas
- Margarita Xirgu
- Jermalajoff Alessandro and Petrovich Firsoff Dimitri
- Brot Alfonso
- Ganz Eva - Lobbenger Ganz
- Miriam Richter
- Jacob J. Kahane
- Jakob Wolf fu Abraham
- Josselson Eljasy
- Hopenko Juval
- Mrs Sloden
- Mr Arderson
- Blau Jeno
- Bergugliani Mario
- Zach Elisabetta
- Hassan Hagi Mustafa Abu Ajale - Supposed fondness for Italy - Arab policeman in Jaffa (person of uncertain morality)
- Bis. Tandori Imre
- Osman Fuad
- Varda ben David
- Liebschutz Hedvika
- Weil Dorothee
- Frank Simon Goldmann
- Mangolini Sidney Raoul
- Stolfa Glauco
- Sobhi Sweedan
- Joseph Beer Friesel
- Schogl Teodoro
- Herchou Shaine
- Ansiau Charle
- Stanislaw Korvin Pawlowski
- Don Sciukri Srur
- Fra Girolamo Micaic
- Avigdor Alisa
- Berek Zezmer
- Lazarich Alessandro
- Davidson Rudolf
- Stigan Gleyzer
- Vilson Davide
- Basri Bey Dugagjin
- Madriz Platone; Amodeo Angelo; Proft Romano
- Slava Jenka Gray
- Antonius Giorgio
- Mr. Piastro
- Shattuer Vusia (Lucia)
- De Seitz Lane Minnie
- Hofshi Isaac
- Passigli Raoul
- Aron Eselstein
- Knopf Paolo
- Alani Musa
- Hadassa Winkler
- Eilender Arthur
- Anita Koren; Franz Koren
- Margaretha (or Margascia) e Cran Kaj
- Richter Eva
- Eseinstein Boris
- Engineer Fritz Joseph Altman
- Rabin Israel
- Goldberg Lucy
- Habib Abislaiman Saadi
- Louie Longo or Lonsley
- Disho George Nathail de Ato
- Bernard Hass
- Verey Disko
- Siklosi Stefano
- Cseno Stelio formerly Stematio (confined)
- Lattes Franco
- Ponisowski Vladimiro
- Saadi Habib Abisla Imand of Sedan
- Israel Jacques
- Assan Pasha abdel Wahab, director of the Egyptian boundary
- Negib Abou Chaar
- Hermann Winter from Monaco di Baviera
- Landau Erberto, Nazoional Aliyah
- Berahs Frances Aron Gaston
- Stephanovich Marco Aurelio
- Malhamé René
- Ialluri Schevo (Demetrio) and uncle of Rev. Jordanis Campourakis
- Sakakini Henriette
- Graze Edmund Walter
- Renée Fernande Alice Saffroy in Moris de Rola
- Hall Salomone - Carlo - Davide - Gilberto
- Barthe de Sandfort Maddalena
- Gassapis Ierotheus Joannis
- Kahoul Youssef
Part of Archive of Kingdom of Sardinia, Consulate of Palestine (1843-1849) then Kingdom of Italy, Consulate in Palestine then Consulate general of Italy in Jerusalem (1872-1943)
Shipping movements. Correspondence and reports.
Part of Archive of Kingdom of Sardinia, Consulate of Palestine (1843-1849) then Kingdom of Italy, Consulate in Palestine then Consulate general of Italy in Jerusalem (1872-1943)
Letters with greetings.
Part of Archive of Kingdom of Sardinia, Consulate of Palestine (1843-1849) then Kingdom of Italy, Consulate in Palestine then Consulate general of Italy in Jerusalem (1872-1943)
Letters with greetings.